Now tell me where you hid the good stories...
of reading
Read books
Laughs in Equilibrium
I thought Ena's merging into Xipe was a tacit agreement between all Aeons since Harmony was needed to unite against Propagation and Voracity?
As someone who once suffered appendicitis all I can say is
Very curious what Ouranos and Fels will do now with a city of supposed "half-monsters" potentially accepting the Xenos.
Mr. Sun, you're too easy
Its been a while since I have the pleasure of reading Mr Tower's fun times with his club.
Ottar can fight majority of Orario by himself and come out on top. If Ottar cannot beat a single Seq 3, then Orario is more or less cooked if they try to fight Silent Hill. Hey, will u include some of the non-standard pathways from book 2? They're incomplete but some of them looks promising. My fav is Painter and Tramp pathway.