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I must enslave ehm i mean enlighten those in need
Ahahaha i love it too, i love but sadly my friends hate playing it with me
thx for the chap
So i like the novel but the writing quality could use a bit of work (my spelling is worse). The story development seems to have a lot of potential (only at chapter 11). Character design i think it could use work but considering the way you are telling the story its pretty good so far, world building is interesting not much info but keeps you interested and very interesting.
does he get beaten often?
If you need a nerf the add that someone sealed her powers or something then have an arc about geting unsealed and the difficultys of beinging sealed also other pov’s of her servents. Maby add some betrayal idk just have fun with it. Pls no harem
Lol my brother ’s name is Rob ert and this sound like him
bad wish you got rid of corruption but did not ask for it to be permanent it is a onetime thing like washing your clothes, but they need to be washed regularly.
bet her fiancé breaks up with her.