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Sooo, when this ark would end and MC would return to the Boys's realm again?
Duh. Again with superficial threat of some makeup enemy, instead of using native lore of Marvel.
Hestia family again. Ew.
Look, I am not DMC fan, and knew little of franchise so I didn’t get all the whining about MC not being good enough. And for a first 60 or so chapters I were somewhat in love with this novel. Buuuut. - Story is suffering from constant inclusion of patron god. It’s boring and felt like authors self insert, duh; - The story is almost impossible to read with all these game related elements included. I get it - game weapon are cool and awesome, but I couldn’t care less about it, as I don’t know how they look and author didn’t care to explain their visuals; - MC ended up stuck with Jean. That alone is usually a dealbreaker for many, but I tried to endure for a while; - Story is actually good, if you could find it under layers of grind, DMC reference, constant different points of views. I almost entirely skipped last 100-130 chapters, because I were trying to filter out boring elements and failed. Neither I found any of my favourite characters, sadly; - And there is a crossover part with poorly integrated DMC lore. Why poorly? Because author just ignore Marvel’s original lore with demons, angels, asgardians, 9 realms, vampires, etc. And just overlays them with new demon + extra otherworldly threat. Novel would be better if Author would just excluded this part of novel entirely and let Dante fight original Marvel’s angels and demons.
Really, two weeks for American visa? I guess if AI could hack databases - than its possible, but there is still a part where a living person had to sign decision by hand and submit it by walking, no computer could hack that.
It is true that novel had a great potential and somewhat unusual main character, but Drama killed it all. At some point MC started to become dumb and retarded just for story progression purpose: Author clouldn't make an interesting story about self-efficient and composed character with clear image of his dreams and goals, so he mutilated his hero into sobbing mess of confusion and stupidity. And other critical flaw - unreliable narrating. For example - in one chapter there was sudden appearance of a woodoo-exorcist. He stated that his semi-legal organisation with cringe name have no valid evidence of MC's crimes, only suspicion. And in next chapter, another generic horny villian appears, out of the blue, with some sort of unmentioned compromising materials. Wow, what an amazing twist! (No). The last thing that bothed from the start is that story flow in a very runabout way, so there were no clear image of characters in reader imagination. You can easily image anyone in place of these characters, as they lack any constant personality, traits or description. Most of these characters described only once, and it is frustrating to always return back in chapters and search for their appearance details to get a better picture of what is going on.
Ah, unreliable narrating again. First they had no clues and now they have all files with... compromising evidence?
They didn't have anything at all, since the spirit haven't said anything - these people can only label MC as prime suspect.
How convenient, a perfect "piano in the bush" situation.
MC interactions with any female characters reminds me of sticky fly trap. They instantly fell into that trap of his supposed charm, sometimes exert all sorts of obscene liquids, other times they showing serve symptoms of reproduction instincts, and all of them losing ability to think straight.