

2019-05-19 JoinedGlobal

of reading


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  • aisea_havea
    aisea_haveaa year ago
    Replied to Gortox

    It is harsh to 1 star it. I have just read through it and there is ultimately no major plot holes that you speak of? If it's talking about plot armor then the author later shows further in the story that he was actually being guided the whole time to be a chess piece in a bigger plot which he overturns with his reality Sims, if you're talking about munchkinning and not going the optimal route for the most gains then you should go watch game speed runs and not stories where it actually needs a plot, if you are referring to the overall plot then no, the plot comes together like a puzzle and you need to read the story to gain all the puzzle pieces which actually fit together pretty well. If there were plot holes as you say, they were pretty minor to the point you ruined yourself of this story simply cos it isn't perfect. If it's boring then you merely need to drop it, 1 starring it is childish and pretentious at the same time. Ultimately I can't understand what you hate about the story cos your comment was basically spam with how copy pasted it is.