1 Chapter a month... Slightly unpredictable... Scratch that. 12 chapters a year.
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I will refrain from rating this book. Although it is great so far, the cluelessness of the MC is far too infuriating.
reminds me of a video on YouTube called cows cows cows, anyone see it?
once every 100 days
reminds me of SL
Sleep is for the weak - The dreadnaughts (A song) https://youtu.be/N-M224HdX4M
Well, you can braid long grasses (of a particular structure) togeather to make a weak bowstring... I wouldn't recommend it though.
I am suddenly interested in his 'last resorts' when he was attempting to use magic by imagination...
anyone else thinking of 40 millenniums?
That was when I started, now though, you ask? It only takes me a bit to write a chapter, but with MRS Vol. 1 I am just winging it. Writing it and seeing where it takes me. More often than not I start writing and see that such a path has no potential to continue. Yes, a plot twist and start over in a new volume would work but who wants that? I was and am also working on plots for potential future volumes and considering on making side stories to some volumes so I have some plots also layed out for that. (U*4 could be made into one such side story for Vol. 2)
And please do not mention a certain two day war. By no means can I write something of that complexity in such a short amount of time.