I love to read well written fanfics so i’m always looking for more. I favor SI stories since many people show off exciting and unique ways of dealing with a universes power set or timelines.
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Being a Grass type he probably doesn't eat much regular food and may not digest regular food very well nor have tastebuds.
Fighting can only push them when they've already done a good bit of training and buildup of excess energy from supplements and it's worded that Hades hasn't done very much training so there's less foundation to build on and eke advancement from.
It's been shown to be a specialty of Gengar line to hide in shadows along with Marshadow, but no other Ghosts have been shown doing it, so they may not be able to without extensive training.
That isn't nor has it ever been what it's about unless it was for a research paper like with Mars or when he didn't have backing/more power as a 4 year old. Other than that it's for the Tapu Blessing debacle from literally like 2 chapters previous.
The priviledge isn't from his professorship or status as a trainer it's randomly from the number of contribution points he's earned with the alliance, the average person isn't constantly checking those and Mikail is also not omniscient nor would their be a reason to think it's a possibility considering what's taught and told to him through all of his training and schooling from the alliance and by adults is that you can't do something so who assumes they can just inherently and checks the over 100 places he's done stuff that earn "Special priviledges"?
Wanting a challenge is dumb and lazy? Man you must be a joy in life with that take on everything around you, kinda like how boomers think if you aren't in the office working where they can see you, you must be slacking off and not doing actual work.
No, it used the excess energy the other 3 granted for the form switch to advance the Koko primary blessing.
You could, but then you wouldn't be doing weakness removal training you'd have to do resistance training which have different salves and potion requirements and has been stated to be significantly harder and more expensive.
The only part you got right there was the no Z-Crystals. Totem Pokemon were explained a long time ago during the family vacation where they visit Alola. Z-Moves literally just got explained this chapter so to say no Z-Moves is the lowest level of reading comprehension possible.
Cause they're more embarrassing/cringe than a 50 year old trying to do Uwu voice.