

2019-05-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Dream0n

    nice to have you back

    Ch 141 Chapter 141: The Inner Zone
    Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System
    Games · Nora_Danish
  • Dream0n
    Replied to royalgrim

    where is the difference?

    Having already made up his mind, Vahn gave a slight nod before stating, "There is no meaning in a physical legacy. We will preserve this place eternally within the New World System designed by Da Vinci. All of history will slowly be brought to light and, if people are interested in events of the past, they will be able to view them directly when the time comes. Pandering to a group of people whose history includes countless examples of violence will only empower them to commit greater acts in the future. The Common Law of the Empire will prohibit the open practice of Religion as, other than to serve as a moral compass, it has no other purpose in this world..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n

    Isn't it so that if you force someone (e.g. by threatening to kill him) to make an oath, you will be cursed by the world it self?

    For nearly a minute, Alosrin looked around at everyone's expressions before saying in a solemn tone, "Everyone here will take a vow to keep what has happened here a secret...Keelan and I will explain the situation to my father and turn the parchment over to him. If you refuse to take the vow, you will forfeit your life here..." No matter what, Alosrin couldn't allow the truth to spread around before he could put his own spin on things. Though the men gathered here were all trustworthy soldiers, there was no way to guarantee they would keep their mouths quiet after getting drunk. After suffering such humiliation, they would obviously have some resentments they needed to release on other people and Alosrin didn't want rumors spreading amongst prostitutes and servants.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n

    Yamcha is one of the realy sad characters in dragonball. His relationship with Bulma was doomed to fail becouse of the difference in social standing and expectations of life. Also their personaleties crashed hard. On the other hand his passion for martial art also was doomed to fail regardles how hard he trained it was NEVER enough. Regardless what he tried he failed. So he used his power to profit leagaly and sought the affection of women who looked up to him (fans) instead of comparing him with the others and looking down on him. Wile I think he should have left Bulma and not cheat on her I can sympathize with him.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n

    I like your story very much so far. Thank you very much for the chapter. As a world with mechas I would suggest something more uncommon: "Full Metal Panic" What would he be able to take from there? 1. the dark technology that seems to have no limits (if I remember correctly) 2. the lamda driver that converts emotions into energy 3. mechas that can turn themselves INVISIBLE Alternatively: "Trails of cold Steel" What would he be able to take from there? 1. Sharon Kreuger 2. the "Magic Knight" that combine magic and mecha (if I remember correctly) Both would be good choices in my opinion. I'm just making a suggestion here and not trying to pressure or provoke spoilers.

    Ch 382 Rewards
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • Dream0n
    Replied to southgamez

    Yes if I remember correctly the author forgot about him.

    "I promise, but in the meantime I did bring someone who has no choice but to stay here, here you go Mil-tan!" As he finished speaking Alex tossed what remained of the former acting president, before continuing, "This man took advantage of his position to make young women sleep with him in order to achieve their dreams. Show him what it means to destroy a maidens hope like that." Though the majority of the gathered magical girls wanted to spend more time with Ginei, when they heard what their new resident had done they immediately took him and disappeared into the jungle behind them in order to "teach" him the fragility of a maidens heart. As they disappeared Ginei shuddered while also feeling relieved that it wasn't him being dragged away, before Alex said one last time while leaving, "Three months." He was then left alone once more on magical girl island, except this time he had the hope of one day leaving.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • Dream0n
    Replied to Seraph

    No we still need the autor, but cliff-san would be nice to read.

    "What the!"
    My Unconventional Delivery System!
    Anime & Comics · Charlottes
  • Dream0n

    thank you for the warning

    This chapter has been deleted.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • Dream0n

    Happy Birthday

    (A/N: Alternate Titles: 'You dun goofed...','Nono is a very earnest young lady...','Looks like Loki found a new apprentice...')(A/N: Sorry for the late post. Today was my birthday and rest day so I was a little busy xD.)
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n

    He should probably talk to his girlfriend about this befor delivering😁

    [ Requirements : An engagement ring, your presence. ]
    My Unconventional Delivery System!
    Anime & Comics · Charlottes
  • Dream0n


    3 Last and you'll probably won't pick this, Kyle is going to help Sadao make a harem himself.
    My Unconventional Delivery System!
    Anime & Comics · Charlottes
  • Dream0n

    If you can not lose a game playing is no fun.

    Despite realizing these things long ago, Vahn was only now beginning to accept that his power had never really mattered. The most important thing, at least from the perspective of creation itself, was that he existed. The path he chose was entirely his to decide, and, even if he spent millions of years cuddling with Fenrir, there was nothing intrinsically wrong with that. This was the 'freedom' that had been granted to him by The Path, and, though he possessed an earnest desire to earn the power he wielded, the truth of the matter was that the proverbial deck had not only been stacked in his favor, he was allowed as many mulligans as he pleased...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n
    Replied to

    That would be useless. If you are his enemy and you can see him fleeing is no longer an option.

    Both B and A just powerlessly flopped onto the ground, unconscious, the last thing on their mind was regret at being too arrogant to take another S-rank with them despite being offered multiple times. Now… their entire force was completely wiped out.
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • Dream0n

    If they add someone else to their soulbinding, wouldn't that destroy or damage the seal?

    "Ah... it only stabilizes our souls and most importantly, every seal matrix in the Bond seal is made to be on the same level as the Bond Seal... you now have a seal not on your body but on your soul. Even if you position the representation of the seal on your hand and it is chopped off, it wouldn't matter as the soul itself is the canvas for my seal. That's why it was a good foundation. Our souls are interconnected on some level and it was very easy and simple to add these dimension related seals as that dimension is connected to my soul. I am basically a medium for your seals that connect yourselves with my dimension."
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • Dream0n
    Replied to Iceman7422

    Denture records can only identify you if the police already have a clue who you might be. They don't go through all records for every unidentified corpse.

    He had long since come to terms with his death, some parts of it he tried to forget. Like the fact that there weren't many people that would notice him missing, by the time his body is found it would be burned beyond recognition, his ID wasn't exactly fireproof either, so he assumed his body wouldn't even be recognized.
    Light Human In MHA
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • Dream0n

    Instead of unlocking the potential of Fenrir, she should unlock the potential of her surname Mason. Infinite potential😁 Maybe she can even weaponize cuteness😍

    Having followed her Master for such a long period of time, the notion of 'receiving' power made Fenrir feel more than a little uncomfortable. When she learned the process was meant to unlock power she already possessed, however, she quickly opened up to the idea. After all, if there was anything hidden deep within her soul, it was something she had received from her Master. There was no reason to fear something her Master had bestowed, so, following the God of Guardian's explanation, she fearlessly entered the Rice Pot, eager to meet her so-called 'true self' and unlock the potential contained within her name...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n
    Replied to TuskinRaider59

    In a fan fiction?

    "... Come on, not the Gumo Gumo devil fruit!" Jon was at a loss for words yet his black sarcasm was always there for him.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Dream0n

    Thank you Is not every part of a story "outdated" later in the story, so "useless"?🤔

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Dream0n

    As always everyone is the hero of his own story.

    Ch 1732 Monsters We Make
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion