I have a really bad reading addiction
of reading
Read books
Lucius is so screwed now. Probably even the entire family. Silas is going to target all of em now.
She needs it to fight early 😂
But ✨Plot✨
Tezka is on a mission to burn a giant bush
On top of that she could be going after the Tree’s secrets and Materials. I’m sure he has at the very least as much as the other hairdo and maybe more along with himself being an insanely powerful magical material only lesser than Gaurdian Materials
Daaaaaamn, respect
I need to know when we are gonna talk to Leon. Feel like he gets 1 sentence every 300 chapters nowadays and I think you’re missing a lot of character progression with Anna as well as Victor and Leon. As a father figure to Victor in his young age he has a lot to do with his bigger character functions like the protectiveness of family and that wasn’t really explored. I just think your missing a lot of your own character progression.
So is this Book gonna continue. I don’t want it to be like the other book you discontinued. I’m enjoying this one.
*Thwack* Music, to my eye holes