people live to satisfy thy desires, but such desires are thy deeds of evils and so what is thy difference between? simply to "live" is "evil" even if reversed.
of reading
Read books
fan value
not for asians though
well im 30 and i have a crush since highschool, now i still like her nd she's married now for 7 years. hhays m still single and will forever be single
not until you learn the one in front of you is 80% involve to the tragedy
bro, that's not how the world work, you can't just force a restaurant to close just because a crew has a conflict with u
i think he's referring to knowledge only accessable by people with power like the sect where the mc is in
there was once an American with bigger muscle and physique compared to us asian, he hired a local that carries motorcycle, he once tried to carry it thinking it is not heavy as it seems, but no matter how hard or what approach he did, he cannot carry it, while the local with smaller physique without even an apparent muscle was able to carry it.
even the mc is not that narcissist
his mocking his name, his name is sunny but qhich is bright, a bright future, present or life, but his future is grim so sunless, makes sense