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Oooh. Dodged a bullet there Daniel my dude! 😅
This was such a meaningful and well deserved moment for both of them. My heart is full 💖
Haha that last bit about the suffering is so spot on! Why should Adrian be given an out so soon? Amnesia or not, thats just not how You treat a human being, Whats more your wife! I think your pacing was perfect and so on point! Please stay true to yourself! You have a vision and you should stick to it! The rest is just noise. Im glad to be able to be a part of the world you are building even if its just as a reader! 💕
On of My biggest pet peeves in romance novels is when the FL forgives the ML WAYYYY too soon. After years of abuse, I was so Afraid that cassidy was immEdiately going to fall back into old habiTs and fall for Adrian again without so much as a sorry or retRibution. but my god The build up to get to this point is gosh darn perfect. Their time apart and finding their way back to each other is so organic And real that i have no choice but cry happy tears for them! Such a saTisfying reuNion. BRAVO AUTHOR-SAN BRAVO
Yessssssss HUNNNNAY! Snaps for you Queen 👑
This family is really exhausting. Theres a sPecial place in h-e- double hockey sticks for Grisham. definitely not gonna be joining his wife where she is considering how unrepenting he is even towards the end. Irish and Olivia are beyond irritating and annoying for persistently barging into a place theyre clearly not wanted at. like take the hint and go away. Irish especially, is cut from the same cloth as Grisham walking as if she had done nothing wrong and having the audacity to give her input into Adrian and Cassidy’s relationship. For real, girl needs to get and life and stay in hEr own lane. And Adrian. I dont even have words. Its no wonder this dude was repeatedly taken advantage of. He lacks follow through and frankly any type of cajones. Sure he got Grisham arrested, but clearly Grisham is still winning over him if he was able to get under his skin so easily. He sAys he wants to make the people who hurt Cassidy pay for what they did, buT what has he done so far Except wallow in self pity and unconvincingly push his family away who still keeps coming back into his life. He has not done ANYTHING AT ALL worth noting or showinG he Deserves Cassidy. Seriously what has he actually done Thats warranted any big change? I hope this changes soon. Please give AdriAn a back bone and actual gumption to redeem himself. Still so proud of CassiDy for living her life 💘💕 Slaying the independent thing.
She should know her place just because she’s married in name? She was married for five years and was abused and neglected relentlessly. Should she still have known her pLace then too? So just because shes married she Should just sit back and accept all the wrong theY did to her? By saying that youre also saying that she should be submissive and does not have a right to live heR own life. She already broke it Off with Adrian. adrian is the one who refuses to let go. why should she sacrifice her own happiness just because adrian refuse to grant her a divorce? She was selfless for five years and endured the abuse its About time for her To live for herself.
Im SO proud of how Cassidy acted in this chapter!. Gotta a love a female lead with conviction! She stands by her decision and is moving on with her life. She doesnt owe anyone, least of all Irish any favors and good for Cassidy to act In such a professional manner throughout the shoot, accepting that she has shortcomings and willing to get help for it despite their difference. The making of a true Queen! Irish had some nerve to ask her for anything eVen if its for her brother. she made her bed, now she has to lie in it. And who cares if Irish sees Asher and Cassidy together?! Cassidy is free to be friends with whomever she wants. Shes her Own person. if irish decides to spin that into something else and hurt her brother willingly then thats her fault. Cassidy is not obligated to protect Anyone’s feelings but her own. Its called self-love.
I love how shes allowed to say and keep saying no. I definitely feel for adrian but a woman saying no is not an excuse to keep trying. Cassidy saying no has so much more power than if she just immediately gave in. Now thats not to say that her and adrian dont have a chance together again. but sometimes you have to break something in order to build something stronger. Cassidy needs this time apart so she can find out who she is without adrian. as weve all read, shes more than “Adrian’s wife” and im so exCited to read Cassidy grow into the queen that she is.
Seeing this update is Equivalent to finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. I had to take double glances to make sure i wasnt hallucinating. hallelujah