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Average orca male can weight as much.
5k KG? That is a rooky numbers, check the weight of whales.
I am sure lichdom will look splendidly on Khadgar,
Great chapter! I am curious of Krasus reaction when confronted by Alistar with Demon Soul.
Black Hunger was the spell used by Deadwing to protect his 'Preston' manor in Lorderon in the Day of the Dragon book right? This thing was powerful.
Can't wait for Khadgar new move, he had to have some, right? It is kind of strange that Lothar despise thinking of Alistar as Sargeras collaborator did not confronted him, no teleportation course sound like a perfect opportunity to fix that.
Dick, The New Big Baddi joined the server. Can't wait for new Khadgar 'look'!
Great chapter! Look like Alleria is not wasting a time.
Best warcraft fan fiction on this site no doubt, good time. Author put a lot of efforts in researching lore, for witch I am very thankful. Can't wait for another chapter!
So the school name is Kuoh Academy?