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No, it's not a sequel to any one specific story, beyond what takes place in Elden Ring.
Here's an author obligatory review since I'm writing the story. Go into this one expecting to have some easy fun, that's it. I plan to prioritize fun character interactions, Shadow moments, and overall just have a good time. Obviously, there's an overarching plot, and I hope to create an incredible story to read, but if you're looking for the next masterpiece you probably won't find it here. And for those who are rude or just generally unwanted for bad vibes, I'll easily delete comments and reviews. I find little to no point in entertaining something that's not going to bring me joy. Regardless of that all, I hope you enjoy the story, if you try to give it a read.
I could explain it, but it would be a spoiler for the story, so I won't. I'd rather no one else's gets ruined by something they may've randomly stumbled upon. There's a logical reason for Suki's character to do so, and there were other reasons explained in the story. For example, Suki says that the villains threatened to kill her daughter if she contacted any pros. Would she, as a loving mother, risk her daughter's life like that? Furthermore, can her words be trusted at all? She's put Mineta in several precarious situations already, and now she'd be bringing him into another one. Rikko, in part, is supposed to bring these concerns up to Mineta, who's too dumb for attractive women to think about them. Is Suki's reasoning logical? Could she have done other things to help out her daughter? Your confusion is proper for a story like this. All the answers aren't supposed to be given immediately, since this story, in large part, is more akin to a mystery than an action.
In your opinion, sure. In my opinion, in a story that's literally about video games, it fits extremely well.
Well, that's okay. It sucked your enjoyment out of it but it definitely hasn't taken mine away. Thanks for the comments, but it would be best to not read a story that you wouldn't enjoy.
Yes, I rewrote this story from the other version, but I wouldn't rewrite it again.
Well, you didn't even read enough to actually get to see her develop, so you're saying that from a place of ignorance. Furthermore, you haven't been able to see any of her depth beyond what is first seen.
For those who read this review, it is, in a sense, correct. Mineta's choices aren't completely logical for this part of the story so far. I think that's in character, and for what I plan on doing, I think it serves the story perfectly. If you want a main character who has it all together and doesn't make dumb mistakes, this story at this point, being ten chapters in, won't be for you. Thanks for the review, _Bruh.
Intelligence in this story doesn't quite work like that. You can be quite smart and make poor decisions, Mineta is, in a lot of ways smart, but when it comes to women he's horribly stupid.
No, not at all. She's quite closed off in that sense.