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The book was short and crisp. All the chapters were worth reading. The charac ter of both humans and animals and their interactions were very beautiful.
Author why you like to test the patience of your faithful readers. noor is cute and arsh is always our favourite sensible twin. 🥰 both are lovely . how should we react for this kind of chapter ending
I like the summary but i dont know if the Story will be awaime. bUt this have increased my curiosity to reading this novel. j like the waH where female lead is strong
Where is your second brother atleast i saw your abbs but i dont even remember his face?
Who is that stupid to try seeing inside the lions 🦁 mouth now his head and life is gone
I wont give you many advices juat trust your instincts . your gut feeling never betray you sometimes the person may not manipulate you by plan pr wantedly bit it will happrn in that time you cant search evidences . People change so that person mah not be the person you knew. if u dont like how the thigs are going or if u dont feel comfortable just maintain distance. protecting yourself emotionally can be dine obly by yourself and whatever decision you take trust that you can face the confidence and also be happy Yours A sikent reader
All the best for your exams