Discord - Zeuberg#6340 / zeuberg#0
of reading
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Bathtub for Leonard's sealed artifact armor!
What kind of mistake??? Did she mistakenly insert something long inside somewhere deep???🌝
Don't tell me another Card of Blasphemy for the same pathway?
Same island found by Roselle?? Where one of his friends died, and years later, they came back to find their dead friend praying to something??
😲😲Don't you guys have a wait list? If someone is on the wait list, then they can't renew it directly. Though you could easily exploit that if you get 20 friends on the wait list.
Oh shooot!!! I did not realize Arrodes was actually describing each of their preferences! I thought all 3 were only suffering from 2nd hand embarrassment with Dwayne's preferences!! So: Valet Richardson likes older and mature women Bishop Elektra likes younger and pure (ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Author taking a shot at catholic priests?) Butler Walter likes high status divorced women