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I have a homebrew rule in my games that allows for non-healing spells to be cast, when out of spell slots, by spending HP. To cast a spell without a spell slot it would cost 1/2 of the spells level, rounded up. For example, a 5th level spell would cost 3 HP to cast and a 9th level spell would cost 5 HP. I do this to allow for more challenging encounters to take place, for more strategic planning from the party, and to make it so that full casters have can do more when they run out of spell slots.
I’m loving the story and the constant updates, keep up the good work on that front. But I’m getting tired of the MC, John, getting blamed for everything even if it is for “comedic purposes”, it gets old. Besides that complaint, this is one of the better stories I’ve read (especially on this site).
Honestly, I don’t even care about the consequences. Just hurry up and kill Odin. If anyone tries to question Thor or something he should just tell them all of the “dishonorable” deeds that Odin has done, since the Norse love honor.
I like where this is going. Please keep up the good work.
Whats that from?
Honestly a great story. I’ve always loved druids and the ideas of having powers over nature and how OP it can get if used intelligently. This has been a great read so far.
Dont forget that he got space sword later, though he lost her and boomerang when he used them on a blimp to save himself and Toph.
Wrong Warhammer 40k is the worst As a huge fan of 40k i can say woth 100% sincerity that I would kill myself if i was transmigrated or reincarnated or whatever into 40k.
Im gonna have to ask for the source. For research purposes of course