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  • SP012

    Okay this was all I needed. Now I will catch up with rise of the godking. Author take as much time as you need.

    Ch 155 Author Update(30/07/2021)
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Would have been a bit better if he said 'any of MY islands' but still a good speech nonetheless.

    "I hate this little prick because he came to our island, too, and almost ruined many of my plans. I think that he's going to make trouble for us even if we pay up whatever is expected of us at the end of this month…so now that I've gotten a chance, I want to deal with him. I hoped that others might not be as bad as him, and Alex has confirmed that this is how it is. Well… we're going to break him so thoroughly that even his mother won't recognize him when he goes back. After what's going to happen today…he's never going to come back to any of islands. And trust me…we should be pretty safe, and it'll also give us the time we need to sink the island and flee. Interested? Good, because this is what we're going to do…"
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Good that is what I wanted him to do because Daneel would never allow himself to be put in situations where it required him to sacrifice certain people for the greater good. He would come up with a better plan or sacrifice himself or part of himself instead. Hopefully without a time limit of an imminent invasion by a much stronger force, Daneel will be able to use the much wider array of resources and people to allow himself to never be put in the situation of fighting an almost hopeless war again. Or at least I hope that happens. If a war with the family who controls these islands happens I want Daneel to start it and not the family itself. Mainly because I know if he starts war, his chances of victory with almost no casualties ,on his side, are as close to 100% as possible.

    Ch 141 A Test(2)
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Well, hold on now. Daneel should have a very unique relationship with the Wills of the Islands along with the World in general, I assume his authority is higher than the elves when it comes to borrowing power from the World itself. Since he earned it himself whereas they have it through being elves along with I am sure some type of ritual or something of that nature. Now back to their whole being tracked problem. Cant Daneel just communicate to the Will of the Island that he needs it to cover their tracks If the Island does not want them to be found, I dont think a tracker below Saint level or that is not an elf would be able to find them. Or at least find them within a time frame that is not acceptable enough for Daneel. Meaning in time to stop Daneel from taking over all the islands and probably doing something to the family who currently owns them.

    Ch 137 A Problem
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012
    Replied to wuxia56

    I did and it did explain why the system chose Daneel but I honestly dont believe the systems reasoning at all.

    Ch 120 A Decision
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    It would be great if the Mainland in that moment had some type of angry response, kind of rebuking Daneel for thinking that he is anywhere near worthy enough to dominate its Will. I dont even think Saints or the realm above that are capable of doing so. Out of all the Wills of lands in this world it would make sense for the Mainland to have the most intelligent personality out of all the lands. Maybe even said personality would be fragmented and constantly change moods because it is broken from the fragmenting of the Mainland that happened who knows how long ago. Or maybe those fragments became different Wills in different parts of the Mainland and its pieces scattered throughout the world. Regardless, Daneel's ambitions are great but he is like 1-2 books away from being anywhere near that level. Oh also on the topic of the system. I would love it if there was no grand reason it was created but instead a super powerful being released it into the world. Then chose to reincarnate Daneel randomly using the system just because he wanted to see what would happen. No super prophecy or anything like that, and Daneel is not some chosen one but just some guy who lucked out. At any moment said super powerful being could just say he is bored and wipe any trace of Daneel from all planes of existence simultaneously with just a flick of his finger. Honestly, kind of hope I am right, in some capacity, just to see how that affects Daneels mindset. Then again by the time he gets anywhere near finding out the true reason for the system's existence, his mind should be so strong that something like what I mentioned above might not even phase him. Since at that point he will probably have accomplished so much that being some random guy is to him total BS because of his accomplishments. He might even rise to the occasion and choose to dominate the very being who put him in this place to begin with, just to truly gain full control over his life back. Or he could crumble like a deck of cards and re think every decision he has ever made while wondering how much control he has actually truly had over his life.

    Ch 120 A Decision
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    I kind of hoped the Beggar king was actually a great ruler and his/her subordinates were just doing things of their own volition. Maybe even because the King is too old and is unable to look over everything so his subordinates are seeking more power by taking it from the people in other islands. Now its hard to tell because there seemingly most trusted subordinate is a psycho and there is no way the King did not know that.

    Ch 113 Magical Confrontation
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Okay overthrowing a king part 3 but this time its going to be more difficult because this one seems to do a fantastic job of hiding how much of a POS he is.

    Ch 107 Marillein
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    What is he talking about, a good portion of the islands surrounding the Mainland are run by slave owners who work their slaves to near death. Then you have the Mainland which judging by how the Church prospers there, is probably not much better. They traded one group of a$$holes(elves) for another(humans). Its never a good natured race that takes overs its always another group of a$$holes. Hopefully Daneel starts to change that.

    "It's rude to stare. That's an elf. It might be your first time seeing one…but it's best to move. They don't take kindly to people ogling. Long, long ago, on the Mainland, their Empire stretched from coast to coast. All of the species lived in fear of them, in fear of their natural ability for magic and their intellect that was greater, in the most part, than that of other races. Then, it was said that some elves used to pluck out the eyes of any humans who looked at them for any amount of time longer than a few seconds. I'm truly glad we don't live in such a fucked up age…but like I said, it's rude. Come on. Along with a bed, I'm itching for some good hot food, too. I don't know about you…but I've worked up an appetite."
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Daneel is like, well now I have to find an elf wife or I will be letting down all my cultured brethren back on Earth. Now, all Daneel is missing is a couple hobbits, an old Wizard,and a ranger to start the fellowship of the Ring. Or we could skip right to Return of the King because it suits the story more thematically.

    Ch 99 Athwarf
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    I kind of hope Daneel makes a shield or armor using the name Kastali. On that point, it would be interesting to know if he could somehow revitalize the will of Kastali through making an item in remembrance of it. Imagine him having the wills of fallen continents in all of your armor and weapons, it would be awesome. Honestly though, hearing the Wills of continents is cool but I wonder if he can hear the Wills of other inanimate objects. Or maybe see the potential for their to be a Will. Again if he could do this and craft items using those materials, while keeping the wills in tact, he could arm his friends and family with items,potions,whatever that would blow away anything on the Mainlaind. Mainly, I just want to see Daneel craft again. It has been too long.

    Ch 96 Leaving
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    I wonder if there is a way for Daneel to fix this island's will. Or maybe replace is somehow.

    Ch 94 Passing on
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    The Will of that island has to be severely affecting these people's mindset or else they would not be that crazy or at least all of them would not be going nuts . It does make sense considering the enslaving of natives has probably been going on for a very long time so the Will's of each of these islands are looking for any sliver of hope that they can save their own citizens. Hence why the instant a prophecy stated that someone is coming to save all of them, the Will of that Island made sure that it spread the word to all the other Island's,seemingly at the cost of it's own inhabitants lives. Also I wonder if we will meet Daneel's 2nd body's biological dad because I think his mother passed away or maybe she was taken by his dad. Regardless, I wonder if the dad will be Daneel's way of getting into some type of major power on the Mainland.

    Ch 92 Running
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    Good ol prophecies. So just to be clear all these 'islands' are close enough to the mainland to be within visual distance and within its scope of power(meaning the will). Yet are still treated somewhat like Angaria and the other further away islands have been treated,as places full of resources that are hindered by groups of annoying savages living there. Or in the case of the islands closer to the Mainland the people are apart of the resources.

    Ch 91 A Message
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy
  • SP012

    It could not be that complicated, most likely by rebelling it puts the island up for grabs by other powers that cant touch it if it is officially owned. But in order for that to be the case, it would have to be that two rebellions that occur within a certain time period means the island is free to conquer, since the trader seemed to freak out when Daneel mentioned he was going to be a competent leader, thus significantly lowering the chance of people rebelling for a second time. Or they want to sell the wares to Daneel and then want to steal them back along with the crystals the machines mined, after Daneel proves to be an incompetent leader which leads to another rebellion. They could also profit off of the rebellion by selling weapons,armor,and other equipment to both sides. Hence a second rebellion would be much more profitable short term than a continued stable trade relationship with Daneel long term. Of course there would have to be a reason why the Trade company would put short term gains ahead of long term ones.

    Ch 88 Decision
    Rise of the Godking
    Fantasy · KillerHemboy