

2019-04-26 JoinedGlobal

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  • Zetsumeinaito

    I dunno about soi boy, but Anakin was definitely an edge lord in that time period. He even wore dark clothing and raged at everything.

    Ch 358 Ori Interrupts the Mission
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito
    Replied to Alex_Simmonds

    Oh ho~ it can delete spacetime, so ya got me curious.

    Ch 356 Apocalypse, The Armour
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Neat but pointless, because nihility is just that op. This is very much a, "I did a thing because it sounds cool" chapter than anything. Which is fine I guess.

    Ch 356 Apocalypse, The Armour
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Hmm, can't say I'm impressed by WH40k mechs. I think I rather have a Gundam at half the size. They have oddly high offense for their weight. The things will run circles around and 40k equivalent. 40k only has shear size going for them with the bigger ones. Making them hella tanky. On the other hand the smaller 3 to 5 story Armored Cores and macross mechs would fill a gap that a titan can't. And that's being usable in cities without crushing buildings.

    Ch 354 Return Home, Starting the Process
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    I think that worked out. Not like human physiology matters at the godling+ tiers.

    Ch 353 The Wrap Up on Baal
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    "taking on aspect of a woman" you say. You better not be gender swapping Sanguinius. It's a very hot topic in the warhammer community, because GW gender swapped custodes right now. You could get review bombed if you do it. No matter how you rationaliize it some people will be very mad because it reminds them of GW going woke.

    Ch 351 Resurrection of The Angel!
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito
    Replied to Alex_Simmonds

    I can dig it.

    Inch by inch, meter by meter, her body was starting to form. The skeletal structure was first and resembled a human's but I decided to make it special as i pulled Uru metal, adamantium, Isotope-8 and Vibranium from nothing and imbued it into the skeletal structure, making it massively more agile, destructive and durable. With the skeleton done I began to work on the muscles. Through this whole process i began to create the mutant genes and Terragenesis Crystals. Her muscles i imbued with trace amounts of Graphene and Isotope-8 to make them even more powerful than what my reality bending was doing. Slowly the muscles took shape and were coloured a pale white and blue, like ice. Veins were the next thing that was generated and that was where i used Nth metal. I introduced Nth into the biological structure of her veins and began to create a separate organ that could convert food and other energies into these metals that would be used to repair her body through her white blood cells. The nerves began to complete as i then moved onto the organs. Her heart I imbued with runic magic and Cuendillar from Wheel of time, making it almost indestructible and highly energetic, her energy output roughly being equal to the full power of Atlantis being generated every second. Her lungs I imbued with Inertron and Uru Metal making them unaffected by gravity, mana conductive and completely indestructible by normal means. The rest of her organs i used the same combinations used previously and simply added some runes here and there that would compound her future powers. She was about to become the first Mutant-Inhuman Hybrid and the first Ice Phoenix in this universe.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito
    Replied to Alex_Simmonds

    Tis a joke!

    "YOU DARE!" Oceana's Holy aura billowed out as the violet was met with a massive challenge, the entirety of heavens power now wrathfully glaring at these disgusting creatures. In a similar display Idun's powers increased one hundred fold as the very nature of reality was powering her stand at this moment.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    To be fair, MCU Ultron created by Tony required the soul infinite stone. And the infinite stones only work in their original universe. Thus Tony will never be able to make him that way. - On the other hand, the original was Ultron was created was via Hank Pym creating him based on his own brain scan back in 1968. So that's still an option on the table.

    I took out what i had promised him and merely asked him to tell me what he discovered and keep me in the loop if possible. He merely waved me off and started inspecting the ZPM that was in his hands, Jarvis connecting via his Iron Man armour in the corner to scan it. I hadn't let Jarvis connect to Atlantis yet as i saw him as a potential security threat and he could easily be consumed if Tony ever made Ultron, which i doubted he would but I still wanted to be sure.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    When did she get a Jojo stand?

    "YOU DARE!" Oceana's Holy aura billowed out as the violet was met with a massive challenge, the entirety of heavens power now wrathfully glaring at these disgusting creatures. In a similar display Idun's powers increased one hundred fold as the very nature of reality was powering her stand at this moment.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Stunted how? She literally grew in power that morning. Do you mean as in untested?

    I got up to the upper atmosphere and felt the sickness in my stomach increase until it was almost unbearable. It was at this moment that space cracked from behind me and out came several entities from Marvel. The living Tribunal, Infinity, Eternity, Death, Oblivion, The Phoenix force, Eon, Master Order, Lord Chaos, In-Betweener, Entropy and even a skinny old man that resembled Stan-Lee from my old life. I instantly had a sinking feeling as this was getting much larger than i thought it would be, i was already worried about the fact that my powers were stunted.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Nth metal disrupts magic though. Mainly because it has it's own reality bending attributes. It' also sentient so... coating Atlantis in the stuff might end up as a bad thing.

    Inch by inch, meter by meter, her body was starting to form. The skeletal structure was first and resembled a human's but I decided to make it special as i pulled Uru metal, adamantium, Isotope-8 and Vibranium from nothing and imbued it into the skeletal structure, making it massively more agile, destructive and durable. With the skeleton done I began to work on the muscles. Through this whole process i began to create the mutant genes and Terragenesis Crystals. Her muscles i imbued with trace amounts of Graphene and Isotope-8 to make them even more powerful than what my reality bending was doing. Slowly the muscles took shape and were coloured a pale white and blue, like ice. Veins were the next thing that was generated and that was where i used Nth metal. I introduced Nth into the biological structure of her veins and began to create a separate organ that could convert food and other energies into these metals that would be used to repair her body through her white blood cells. The nerves began to complete as i then moved onto the organs. Her heart I imbued with runic magic and Cuendillar from Wheel of time, making it almost indestructible and highly energetic, her energy output roughly being equal to the full power of Atlantis being generated every second. Her lungs I imbued with Inertron and Uru Metal making them unaffected by gravity, mana conductive and completely indestructible by normal means. The rest of her organs i used the same combinations used previously and simply added some runes here and there that would compound her future powers. She was about to become the first Mutant-Inhuman Hybrid and the first Ice Phoenix in this universe.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito
    Replied to Alex_Simmonds

    I get that, but the responsible "courting" thing to do is stay with them till the tour is finished, show them their new place of living, THEN give them time to acclimate and wander around. It's like hooking up with a tendr date only to abandon them half way through a botanical garden and telling a servant to finish the tour for them.

    I then up and left them, leaving them in Pixel's capable hands and setting off towards the place i would set up the Uru Metal Deposit. As i reached that area I quickly rose in the air, fining myself on a large open observation deck at the very edge of the city. Looking at the mines i had i took out the Uru metal deposit and selected this part of the city to gain this expansion. Within seconds the blueprint started to phase into reality, my own mana being drawn upon slightly to fuel the process.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Hol up, she's trying to court them. Why the F* did she just abandon them on their first time tour? What kinda incel move is that?

    I then up and left them, leaving them in Pixel's capable hands and setting off towards the place i would set up the Uru Metal Deposit. As i reached that area I quickly rose in the air, fining myself on a large open observation deck at the very edge of the city. Looking at the mines i had i took out the Uru metal deposit and selected this part of the city to gain this expansion. Within seconds the blueprint started to phase into reality, my own mana being drawn upon slightly to fuel the process.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Let's hope he can control her boredom then.

    I felt a deep existential increase in my powers and capabilities, every element of my existence humming in satisfaction as it resonated with reality, connecting me to reality itself. My title seemed to have an effect too as i could now control all of my emotions to 100% efficiency. This didn't mean i didn't feel, i could just control how much they affected me.
    Reality Bender System, Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds
  • Zetsumeinaito

    That's a pretty classic creator problem. It's why ya gotta get it done before you go away for a long time. Cause mentalities and tastes change. As well as people develop and mature(usually).

    Ch 62 Notice
    Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic
    Anime & Comics · Archer_Phoenix
  • Zetsumeinaito

    ah, anime cliches, even if that's not how colds actually work.

    Today in class Todoroki-kun wasn't here today, I was hoping that I can return the umbrella that I borrowed. I raised my hand and asked Aizawa-sensei where he is. He told me that Todoroki was sick today and can't come to school. Was this what they called Man's pride, I thought when I remembered him basically forcefully handing me the umbrella.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Zetsumeinaito

    But... He can just freeze the air above himself so the rain turns to sleet and bounces off, and/or heat it up and evaporate it(considering his FF situation over canon). The boy unfortunately doesn't have the skill to just make an ice umbrella.

    "It's fine, my quirk allows me to manipulate ice so I dealt with way colder temperatures than this." I reasoned.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Zetsumeinaito

    But why? She can literally ginjutsu everyone to fight each other.

    One wearing a hockey mask charged at me, he activated his quirks and his arms turned to steel. He tried to punch me but I easily dodged and kicked him in the stomach launching him back and causing him to collide with another villain, knocking them both out. All the villains at my side decided to charge all at once, I dodged and countered every time one of them attacked.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Zetsumeinaito

    Mineta is actually one of the smarter people in 1-A. As such he'd have to do remarkably bad in the practical part to not be there considering some of the rather meat head characters there. I don't like his perversion at all, but I will give him props for his wit.

    I greeted everyone in the room and I easily befriended all of them. Something that surprised me was that Todoroki acted more confident and he doesn't have a scar on the left side of his face. He still has his usual cold expression though. His childhood must have been better than before and I was very happy to know that. I observed the room and found out that Mineta, the purple midget wasn't there. Probably due to me being chosen, he didn't get into 1-A.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy