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ducaelion pack should be arriving soon by Scott's power level he can clear with relative ez with the feats shown so far. Everyone else will struggle, though
waste all them points on a skill he don't even know how to use low iq n desperate to get back to humanity
Good story an definitely different from others
Yea I couldn’t read when I see the mc doing the low- key trope for no reason it’ overplayed an an boring
Yea she only interested now he accom plished things in life an most famous. An his personality changed but it’ more the first part because she felt how much she didn’t know him which means she never even gave him a chance
Best part so far
Pretty good novel I like
I think its good man
It’ actually good story so far loved the start of it all an how his character changed a bad ass now still early to tell how the direction goes. Specially with the sisters (;