

2019-02-14 JoinedGlobal

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  • Incin

    I'm constantly annoyed by Gloria, she screams and demands Ves to fix and do everything. While at the same time devalue him, she hasn't innovated, created, or helped in any substantial way except doing some grunt work. While Ves is responsible for the vision, direction, and use of all mechs and the clan, she is only screaming how he should do more for the hegemony, or try to force more hexer standards on the Larkinsons. Shouldn't a woman for the hegemony be more self-sufficient? Because right now she is incapable of doing anything meaningful outside trying to force Ves to do things she wants, and just polish on the things he envisions and makes while winning about how it isn't perfect enough. Anyone with a brain has probably long ago figured out that there is only one miracle worker in this couple.

    Ch 2481 Generational Loyalty
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Incin

    Seriously? Calabast knows his a holy son wich makes him a target of MTA/CFA and 5scroll compact, she edged him on attacking ulimo citadel for her own gains with plans to betray the larkinsons. Her so Called goal was to become empress of the universe, but she is a cowardly leech that takes no blame for any of her action while claiming importance and competence with barely any results. She is nice to have when things are going easy, but never an answer when things go tough. Always acting high and mighty while her only plans and strategy are hide, bribe, blackmail and run, sacrifice anyone outside herself. She is a pure hypocrite that relishes in the goods she can squeeze out of Ves, but whenever its inconvinient he becomes a bad boy that needs to grow up. Hindsight is always 20/20 for Calabast, but she never comes with something concrete before the action, always after it goes down.

    Ch 2359 Perfect Test Subjects
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Incin
    Replied to RHShavi

    Another point is that she dosn't really bring anything to the table. Having a fit about what they can do, but her involvement is close to zero in the design aspect of all their mechs. If you swapped her out with any random journeyman mech designer the mechs coming out would still have the same effect since the value the mechs bring is 95% based on their glow and not their specs. She is a glorified assistant that pretty much just crunches numbers to slightly improve its base stats. The miracle couple only have 1 miracle worker and a crazy assistant slobbering over him while raving madly about religion and other useless stuff.

    Ch 2285 Glow Limitations
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor