

2019-02-12 JoinedGlobal

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  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetr2 months ago

    Гг лицемер. Он так облизывать Хисаши, словно готов дать ему. Эта глава полностью перечеркнула качество всего фанфика, показав что гг лицемер и подсос. А так же автор что перевернул характер главного мужского персонажа школы мертвецов себе в угоды. Просто отвратительно.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetr7 months ago

    Дерьмовое произведение с кучей тупых моментов, с картонными персонажами, паршивым окружающим миром кишащим идиотами. Ещё и платное, ну оно вообще не стоит вашего времени.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetr8 months ago

    Максимально мусорное произведение, еще и за деньги. Это просто ужас, события полнейший бред, герой идиот, окружающие сплошной картон. Невозможно читать.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    Максимально жадное произведение. Не стоит своих денег. История сплошное клише, что встречается в каждой 3 китайской работе, без каких-либо собственных идей.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    MC is a rare scum, he is just a hypocrite who lies to himself. He is also an extreme idiot, his opinion can change 4 times in one chapter, he forgets what he said a couple of minutes ago. In short, the work is finished... Reading this, I directly felt how my eyes were growing dumb...

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    I'm shocked, what idiots give 5 stars to this third-rate garbage? GG is a stupid vegetable, he can’t think at all, his behavior is like that of an idiot. He is as disgusting as possible, not even a couple of days have passed since he received power, and he has already shown his essence as a scoundrel.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    Should I write a fanfic? It's not nice to abandon it halfway through, because the fanfic is quite good. There are of course problems, such as dialog and relationship building. But the idea itself is good, even in this execution.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    It was mentioned that senior students cannot attack junior students or they will be expelled. And it was also mentioned that the rules are pretty strict. But what we see is a 6th year student attacking a 1st year student.... All in all, the piece is disappointing.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    Very interesting fanfic, it's a shame it's been weighing down for a month with no new chapter. I'll hope this isn't the end. Otherwise, it would be a shame.

  • Apostalpetr
    Apostalpetra year ago

    Who's in the harem? I don't want to read for nothing if he's not there... Then again, I'm reading a gg fanfic, and I'm not interested in the intimacy between Bei Bei and Tang Ya... In fact, not many people are interested in it..