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Omg I want to have this talent too!!! 😅😅😂
These are the only acceptable forms of misunderstandings needed innovels. Please continue 😅😅😂😂
Omg this is truly fate! Convoluted, hilarious, fate.
Omg grandma Wang is my end goal in life 😂😅☺️
This book is very interesting in the beginning. The ML and FL hooks you and makes you like them. The story starts off very well, writing and grammar is great. In the beginning. Than it starts to drag. The ML and FL that seems smart ends up making stupid mistakes. They have all the dots lined up in certain scenarios but won’t act on it or act smarter because they don’t have enough “evidence” They’ll just keep doing what their doing, knowing deep down who the bad guys are but until they wear a shirt that screams “ be careful of me I’m a bad guy” they’ll still be around them, be alone with them ya know the norm. Drove me freaking nuts. If this wasn’t a free read I would have quit this book long ago. Also the ending was super rushed. Like oh- here’s the bad guy. The end. No ending whatsoever.
This whole I’m not going to tell you what I know even though it’s bad shit I’ll just leave you to find out yourself is bullshit. This type of stories makes my head hurt and just causes unnecessary drama. Like why?
I understand they are keeping danger close to try and find the mastermind. But sometimes the ML and FL are so weak to me. How you plan to take care of the bad guys when you can’t even take care of yourselves?!? This story is so frustrating to me now.
Me thinks it’s that nice shopkeeper!
When it’s a romance novel it’s cute and romantic 🥰. In real life he’s a pedo 🤣😅😅 I’m going to keep reading though cuz I like the book so far. I’m going to ignore all the red flags 🫣😂☺️