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sabo, he doesn't know he survived
well to be honest, it really is not a rubber body but a cartoon body, with just little aplications of what a cartoon could do with his body at this moment of time and with his experience with the fruit
one piece is bigger than the elemental nations of naruto, so there should be more deads just in size, also there are pirates that kill people, the nobles and monsters also, plus whatever happen in the lost history of one piece
it's in the name, really.
the omnitrix is great invention and idea, but not many remember that it take an unknow amount of time for asmuth to create such an invention with his resources, that of the more technological advances planet, and with assistants of his same race like albedo, another galvan, plus the energy that the omnitrix uses to work comes from a planet or dimension, not a easy technology to make, i would say that it would be beter to make omega nanites from generator rex
and that instead of creating an omnitrix a level 10(or more) technology that needed the energy of a planet or dimension(dont remember) for it to work, he create something that smart normal humans create, as the omega nanites from generator rex as a way to gain power and work around his limitation(if it could be called that with so many transformations) of not being able to change into cybernetic beings, rex was a human but his nanites let him became an almost cyborg being, with capabilities close or equal to ben 10 aliens that dont have cosmic powers, and he could become a bigger robot than a transformer
he should transform into someone with an abillity to upgrade powers or change powers to change those limitations, like delsin from infamous second son has the conduit power of power control, with that he can copy powers, aument powers(with in universe power crystals that give conduits its powers), and has pixel powers that made him into a digital being while also being a conduit
demons from devil may cry, ghost from danny phantom, monsters from god of war, conduits from infamous games, blacklight virus from prototype, one piece minks or zoan fruit users
pokemon, digimon, yugioh, bakugan, monster hunter, fantasy monsters, anime monsters like goblins or stronger like isekai character monster momonga/qinz ooal gown, slime from anime, or even that holy knight skelleton from other anime, supernatural races from any fantasy anime, vampires from highschool dxd, vampire toujo from strike the blood with 12 familliars or the familliars themselfs, harry potter fantastic beasts, ben 10 aliens, generator rex nanomachines or evos, danny phantom ghosts, jake long american dragon monsters, minions from the lovie or the game overlord raising hell, elfs like celebrimbor from middle earth shadows of mordor or war, monster from videogames, etc
better yet, doomsday