

2019-02-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • Danteuros
    Danteuros3 days ago

    As for the last line. Isn't it always Azazel's fault.

  • Danteuros
    Danteuros4 days ago

    Repeat chapter! Same as last!

  • Danteuros
    Danteuros6 days ago
    Replied to Roman_Ramsdale

    He'd have to visit Kamar Taj anyway as it's the unofficial customs office for any Marvel universe transmigrator. Wouldn't want the Ancient One to come knocking to eliminate 'the foreign invader' if he accidentally steps out of line. He'd also get access to knowledge of about how he is viewed by cosmic entities (and their equivalent) as well as his influence on the timeline. Lastly magic in marvel depends on chanelling dimensional energy (of which he already is a conduit) so he has a head start, also helps that he'd have access to another type of supernatural power if his X gene is depowered in anyway which has happened too often. As for creating a business it's not rocket science as the right to 'speak and be heard' is only afforded to wealthy, connected and influential businessmen, celebrities or politicians (the latter two being far to volatile and complicated when accounting 'image'). But man this is just the barebones he'll have to get a startup fund as well as trustworthy employees to keep his assets safe. What you're pointing out are absolute bare necessities to have a chance at surviving in the Marvel universe where the universe comes close to ending couple of times every decade and genocide of races (mutual destruction) is very common.

  • Danteuros
    Danteuros6 days ago
    Replied to Danteuros

    Frankly I really don't think he is a full on villain and the characters in the different worlds are more self righteous than the next. >Am I the strongest: The mc himself kills without batting an eye, too op too overconfident, yet when Erik does the same thing he became the villain to be eliminated >Solo leveling: Sung Jin woo aside Ashborn was for an extended period of time fighting the rulers to the death, for them to be enraged at his death seems hypocritical >Tensura: Voldemort anyone, the arrogant demon lords created their own self fulfilling prophecy, turning Rimuru into his enemy which led to Erik's eventual defeat Frankly it seems as if the world itself is against him? Maybe it is.

  • Danteuros
    Danteurosa month ago
    Replied to Anjotrix

    Well in any other chat group fanfic I'd say yes, but not in this one as the mc has to find his own power ups. Easy race change options are limited even in the multiverse. Here he devoured Ddraig's soul to gain a dragon soul (dragonborn?) while his body remained human/mortal. Besides doing so gives him the backing of an entire faction (where he's already a high class/noble and one of their heavy hitters as a super class) giving him access to territories, knowledge and resources (all with position of power but without too much responsibility due to him lacking a political position like Satan to tie him down). Another part he could use his evil pieces on his loved ones if they're unwilling to leave their world behind (Hermione, Sirius and possibly Lupin) to give them the extra oomph to survive dxd when sh*t hits fan a few years later. Lastly he also promised Irene so there's that unless he wants angry dragon MILF coming after his a*s. Besides with his Hatsu he could always devour other sealed things for power up like the evil dragons, incursio (from AGK), dragons (from FT world), Samael (though careful on this part) and maybe even the Trihexa. He could also upgrade his devil bloodline to Demon if he manages to get his hands on Vergil or Nero's blood in the labs of the Order of the Sword giving him the Sparda bloodline (food for thought) if he ever gets access to Dmc universe (unlikely but a man can dream).

  • Danteuros
    Danteurosa month ago

    Frankly it had a very good start and had good potential and all but around 70-80 chapters in things go from mysterious to just plain confusing to downright nonsensical. First he is host of Chaos (from NNT) then revealed that he's apparently her actual bio child, has the first flame, gets name of Kratos none of his power ups can be properly displayed in the genkai of Danmachi world. Yet he acts like a edgy teen and gets beaten up by Ottar, then matures, then again relapses to become an edgy teen gets beaten up by his mentor. Frankly the world building and character development of mc as well as side characters are a mess to begin with, they just keep on getting messier.

  • Danteuros
    Danteurosa month ago
    Replied to Matthew_D_Santos

    Knowing Masa he'd probably just disguise himself as Azazel, infiltrate Grigori, rob anything of value and eat anyone important enough (aka the remaining cadres and Vali and Albion) effectively destroying Grigori in the process without even intending to.

  • Danteuros
    Danteurosa month ago

    Isn't MC strong enough to solo the devil race AND instakill their Satans? I mean let's see here devils are a bunch of darkness aligned wizard (mostly) types facing the personification of light (Ultraman Noa) who also has the speed force 🤔 (making distance irrelevant) and Master magician powers (that can take control of spells) not to forget his gazillion other powers in his repertoire. He is practically the natural bane of their existence and that was several chapters ago. It feels like something bad will need to happen to his lovers for him to step up his game aka get serious and stop messing around.