

2019-07-18 JoinedGlobal

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  • memanime_Soul

    Naruto and Kurama. An evil dark cyberpunk version.

    "YOU DAMN THING! How dare you oppose me! I CREATED YOU!" shouted Arc furiously, still struggling with the pillars of code that held him down, hating the Soulcode.
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • memanime_Soul

    These are really... the thoughts of a stupid child who has listened to too much TV :D A herd, just the way it is made to be. If a shepherd needs a stupid herd, the stupidity of the herd is his fault. With great power and authority comes great responsibility.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to XLR8A

    No. 3,600 is the number of seconds in 1 hour. 24 is the number of hours in 1 DAY. And 365 is the number of days in 1 Year. This means that 3,600*24*365 is already a SECOND. And here it is said for overcoming a light year in 1 DAY. Not in a Second! Therefore, here you only need to multiply 300,000 by 365. Without 3,600 and 24 What you wrote. It will be a light year covered in 1 SECOND. What is written in the short story is exactly right, that a light year in one Day! Why multiply by hours in a day and seconds in an hour?

    And now think about this scenario in FTL speeds, which means more than 300 000 000 meters per second! Now multiply this number with 365 and you have the speed of one of the slowest starship engines we have, which can at least travel one light-year per day. If you run with this speed into a wall, there will be extensive damage to the wall and nothing much left of yourself. In space, it is more akin to the wall doing the running but the bottom line is the same. There are uncountable micro asteroids in space and if a ship flies into them without some kind of shielding, it can turn very ugly, very quickly.
    Interesting Times
    Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido
  • memanime_Soul

    Hmmmm... They kissed... So there is no mask. And they have now surfaced, where, if the journalists there are not fools, they are still filming them. And they kissed again, which means there are still no masks... Hmmmmmm.

    "From now on you are mine, agreed?"
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • memanime_Soul

    In fact, no. Salarians are better for fighting the reapers. Reapers are HUGE POWERFUL WARSHIPS. Krogans will only help you fight drones. And in fact. The krogans will only get in the way. Most of them will die from the reaper drones created from krogans. Just replenishing the army. Perhaps the krogan drone will be even smarter than the young krogan. What about the salarians? They can build good ships too. And the salarian drone will be one hundred percent dumber than the salarian. Which means. In war, salarians will do more good than harm. Therefore, this is more of a moral issue. If it's purely logical. We need to get help from the salarians. In Reality. Powerful infantry, not even worthy of being called dust compared to a spaceship.

    "We don't have much of a choice either. The salarians are good support units in combat and of course their intelligence and inventive prowess are invaluable, but we don't need support in this fight. We need soldiers that can endure a shit ton of punishment and still keep fighting. If winning the krogan over means losing the salarians, I'd say it's better than the alternative."
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • memanime_Soul

    By the way, I thought. What is this imba. Look. This technology allows you to create a safe space where there are no obstacles in the form of asteroids. This alone is worth it. And secondly, it compresses the distance. What if we use mass effect engines in these dimensions?

    One was that the distance got more 'compressed' the longer it was, the other was that the ship would continuously accelerate inside the dimensional tunnel and traveled the complete distance faster.
    Interesting Times
    Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to XLR8A

    What? This will then be the speed of One Light Year per Second. Not in one day.

    And now think about this scenario in FTL speeds, which means more than 300 000 000 meters per second! Now multiply this number with 365 and you have the speed of one of the slowest starship engines we have, which can at least travel one light-year per day. If you run with this speed into a wall, there will be extensive damage to the wall and nothing much left of yourself. In space, it is more akin to the wall doing the running but the bottom line is the same. There are uncountable micro asteroids in space and if a ship flies into them without some kind of shielding, it can turn very ugly, very quickly.
    Interesting Times
    Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido
  • memanime_Soul

    She needs to drink 2 liters of blood every day. It would be possible to drink from several people. Thus without killing. But the fanfiction is stupid. Because Toga killed at least 3,500 people. After that. I just want her to die. Don't read about her. Yes, and in principle it is somehow TOO MUCH. Why did the government, especially those in charge of the murderous "heroes", do nothing when they found thousands of identical corpses? She is a maniac who has committed a record number of murders.

    'How pretty.'
    My Hero Academia: Ajin Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Disappoinment
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to wakkaran

    Holy Moli... I have an idea for a fanfic *turns into a maniac writer*

    Sanji's face turned green for a second, "D-Don't say that…"
    Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to Zero_Dragon

    ok "Like PATHETIC schoolboy wet fantasies about the power"

    I let him go fully and he goes limp for a second before springing to his feet and backing away in caution. "Who said I'm going to his yacht... I'm going to bring it to me." He looks at me in disbelief and I charge the most powerful force wave I have until this point and unleash it in all directions. Everyone close is disintegrated and the rest are crushed from the incoming force as they collied with things. The builds around the metal path fold from the impact and begin to fall. I jump to safety and the rest of the people in that area die. Time to get Kemro.
    Star Wars: A Single Wish
    Video Games · easyread
  • memanime_Soul

    In general, this is all extremely strange. Muscles are needed to move. If the bones tear the muscles, you must fall like a pathetic puppet with cut strings. Since they are damaged and cannot perform their function, the muscles responsible for movement.

    With that discovery, I retracted the bones back into my body, going in reverse order of the way I manifested them. Starting with the palms, then the knuckles, then my legs, the back after that, and finally, the chest. I wanted to see how fast my regeneration was, so I didn't go to try and cover the now gaping wounds over the spots I manifested the bones. The wounds only healed completely after a minute. Not bad, but as I said before, it doesn't heal anything other than the skin and muscles that my ability damaged in the first place.
    The Bone Hero, Jokara
    Anime & Comics · Wilna_Kapp
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to Mysticwolf

    Ok "You were too pathetic. Obeying your instincts like a petty animal. Unlocked the "Lack of Self-Control" perk. Also received an Intelligence debuff, reducing it by a factor of 5 permanently."

    With Nezu going out of his way to provide the names of Pixie Bob and Mt. Lady, the smile on Izuku's face cramped. He would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to his reunion with the particularly 'feisty' cat girl, but now that he had multiple girlfriends, a fiancee, and a literal mate...he felt like he should probably cool his jets a bit. Contrary to what Nemuri had led the girls to believe, he didn't 'have' to fuck every woman he had taken an interest in...even if a part of him wanted to...
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • memanime_Soul

    The average length of a woman's vagina is between 7 and 12 cm. Many pornstars. They say that a member of more than 18 centimeters is already becoming less and less comfortable. And they are porn stars.

    Adopting a wolfish grin, Izuku inserted himself as deep as possible into Toru's pussy, marveling at the feeling of a light suction against the tip of his dick. One of the more 'peculiar' aspects of girls in an anime-themed world was that their uterus didn't move up and out of the way during sex. Instead, it remained firmly within the depths of their vagina, ready to take a beating. When Izuku first realized this, the notion that he might be able to fuck a girl directly in her womb appeared in his mind, but as proud as he was of his cock, he knew it wasn't 'that' monstrous. It was enough to give a girl one hell of a knocking, but not quite at the level where he could break through their last line of defense completely...at the very least, not yet...
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to KuroWashi1903

    Or, on average, people are somehow pumped. Or the article may have deceived you. Perhaps by lifting 2 of their weights, they meant Himself and additionally their weight. That is, if a person weighs 80 kg, he will lift himself and another 80 kg. For some time I lifted weights up the stairs and I will say that even 20 kilos is not so easy to lift (although I climbed the stairs) If you really lifted 150 kg. So you are a trained person. The average, average, non-specialist should not be able to lift twice their body weight. This is natural for us. We have two legs. And in everyday life, on the same steps, we raise ourselves with one foot. What makes each of our legs capable of lifting our weight. What does 2 legs mean, able to lift 2 of our weights, but it's Together with us. Anything above that should already be hard for an ordinary person, even if possible, then through force. And in this case, if the record is 500, and the average is 80. It turns out that if the strength of an ordinary person is 5, then the record holder should generally have 40. But we can take into account that this is Our world. Where there is technology, proper nutrition, training, nutritional supplements, "chemistry". I consider myself quite average, but I doubt that I can squat in the gym with my own weight and on top with 2 more of my weights. Perhaps you took the average data of Athletes who are specialized in sports. But in ordinary life, an ordinary person is unlikely to do something that would require his muscles to develop such strength.

    With a low voice, I casted my usual buffs, then we stood face to face, about forty paces apart. Chief Wull held a two-handed wooden mace in one hand and a large round shield in the other. There was no way I could physically compete with him, but Chief Wull was as slow as he was strong. His speed was only 7.5, but my stats were 8 str and 8.2 spd with buffs.
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to KuroWashi1903

    Well? Is it math? If 5 strength, this is 100 kg (and 150, this is not an average man, but a specializ trained). That 500, is it 25 strength?

    With a low voice, I casted my usual buffs, then we stood face to face, about forty paces apart. Chief Wull held a two-handed wooden mace in one hand and a large round shield in the other. There was no way I could physically compete with him, but Chief Wull was as slow as he was strong. His speed was only 7.5, but my stats were 8 str and 8.2 spd with buffs.
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • memanime_Soul

    There were 17 bandits ... 10 went to MS 10 surrounded two peasants. Am I missing something in the math world? 10+10 is now 17 instead of 20? :D

    What caught my attention in this kid was how fast he was; he has 8.9 spd. The fastest bandit had 7.4 spd, so they couldn't catch him, but it was clear that the boy didn't know how to fight or use the dagger. Ten of the remaining 17 bandits had begun to surround them, and the other ten were coming towards me.
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • memanime_Soul

    Still, it seems to me that if the Normal Adult Peasant has a strength of 4-6. That is a 2 meter Knight, the strength should be, well, at least 14 is desirable. 11 Somehow not enough.

    With a low voice, I casted my usual buffs, then we stood face to face, about forty paces apart. Chief Wull held a two-handed wooden mace in one hand and a large round shield in the other. There was no way I could physically compete with him, but Chief Wull was as slow as he was strong. His speed was only 7.5, but my stats were 8 str and 8.2 spd with buffs.
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to Jexcel

    The planet's crust is only a few kilometers thick. If the moon in Naruto, would be like ours. It would take the entire crust and part of the planet's mantle. Even if the sage did it far away from the elemental nations, it would still destroy life on the planet due to the crazy temperature. I won't explain much even about other factors. And so it is clear that the landscape of the ENTIRE planet would change so much that everything, or almost all living things, would die.

    This book has been deleted.
  • memanime_Soul
    Replied to Minion14

    Knowledge of elementary mathematics. Further. Nowhere was it shown that Naruto accepted that attack. He could dodge, that's the first thing. Second, even if he accepted it, he did not accept all of it. A tiny amount, from what cut the moon. Well, arguing with you is pointless, apparently, because your knowledge is already visible after your "at least a thousand miles", although our moon is a little over 2,000 miles in diameter :\. Your "Even less" "Thousands of miles anyway" doesn't fit when our moon is not a few, but only a couple of thousand miles.

    This book has been deleted.
  • memanime_Soul

    And on the other hand. This reduces the chance of the witcher surviving. Dilated veins and palpitations, give more bleeding, this time. The second, decreased heartbeat in witchers, often saves them from the rapid spread of poison throughout the body.

    "Huh, not bad. I can certainly see this being useful if you were ever forced on a contract during colder weather, even through the snow." Vesemir pointed out.
    Signs of Destiny (Witcher)
    Book&Literature · Bagoury