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Yes, there are intelligent Gwens... now tell me which 3-year-old version of her apparently has college-level knowledge? I'm sure not even Reed Richards demonstrated an intellect of that level at 3 years old.
I liked you author, you know how to receive criticism and respond calmly, normally on this site the first moment someone says something that the author doesn't agree with he simply responds with "You don't like it, don't read it" Or something along those lines. Now, what's important... Can we expect our dear MC to meet some quality MILFs? As someone reincarnated with a mentality above their real age and in a non-modern world, I believe it is a perfectly valid question.
Gostei do início ainda mais por ser no meu idioma nativo já que é difícil achar fanfics boas em português, porém, essa estrutura de diálogo perde um pouco da imersão. Consegue alterar? Ao invés de: - Diálogo aqui - Substituir por: "Diálogo aqui" E pensamentos: 'Dialogo aqui ' Dessa forma fica mais fácil a leitura já que é um padrão bem mais comum.
Yes, even more so when the character is a child. I'll try to read another two chapters but I'm unlikely to continue.
What exactly gave you the courage to threaten someone who was once strong enough to fight Garp? And why didn't Don Chinjao kill him? He can barely defeat a 14 million pirate.
Obrigado pelo capítulo, One Piece é uma ótima escolha de mundo para descontrair um pouco.
Hulk at DC? Sounds interesting, thanks for the chapter.
There's no point in deleting it, you're stealing content and trying to profit from it, in that last chapter you simply copied ALL of Wonder Woman's interaction from the Young Titan fanfic, ask me if anything in that fanfic is really original and not stolen from someone else.
Now I read up to chapter 8 and I must say that the story is very good, I ended up creating high expectations about the MC as he survived a surprise attack from an S Rank Shinobi even during an emotional outburst that not even his father survived and that's why this I had very high expectations anyway I won't read on but I wish you good luck.
So it's that kind of story huh... An absurdly talented random "OC" that manages to go toe-to-toe with the MC who was able to survive Obito even without Hashirama's cells, too bad because I was really enjoying this story but that kind of forced development is hard to swallow.