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  • Ruhlas

    Although a tad bit unrealistic, given what the queen seems to know of him; but I cant say I dont like it :)

    "As you wish, Supreme Commander Cadmium."
    New World - A New Beginning
    Fantasy · kenkan
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Clarence_Ng

    Do you know that thing about coincidents and novels? :D; so I would say, that the chances are high!

    "A pleasure to meet you, Jay. I'm Ares. Ares Hearth."
    New World - A New Beginning
    Fantasy · kenkan
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Light_Waiba

    The feeling of embarrassment is a luxuriety. If she were an elder she would at least be able to not show it or have control over her feelings. I would rather argue that IF she is embarrased, then she might be thinking of certain actions related to something sexual, which would make her more of a "pedo" then the other Way around. Thats literally why you would feel embarrased. Also, as a person of such standing you would at the world more in terms of gain, not how you feel (which would probably get you killed very quickly). Realistically speaking she would not care less as long as she gains more than she looses; and the only thing she potentionally looses is a favor if she is kind and far less if she is not (could just give him some money to make them even). Why would she spare him another glance anyways? So no, it still does not make any sense at all! Even if we just consider these 2 arguments.

    "I told you, didn't I? Just take your time and heal it properly. Your body has this natural spiritual energy barrier, so I can only treat it if I touch the right place directly. At least, that's my limit with my actual cultivation. Let's pretend that we didn't discuss it, shall we?"
    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to RainFaIl

    They seem to have spies and its not very realistic to assume that nobody would snitch :> although I do not know the context of my comment very well anymore therefore you might be right.

    "I know. But after the last war, there will definitely be a lot of investigation. That being said, soon the others will notice the difference in Malaka's cultivation speed as well. Since that is the case, I might as well have her join the Dalamu Sect. Don't worry, she is old enough, and with the two of you there, she will not be brainwashed to forget our Tribe."
    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Light_Waiba

    Yes, an elder that lived for god knows how long; either was never interested in sexual desires or already has PLENTY of experience. Lets also consider, that in her long life she most definitly has seen hundres if not thousands naked bodies and was most definitly seen naked by hundreds if not way more people as well. Why the heck would you even give a **** about if anybody is seeing you naked at all?? It doesnt make one bit of sense at all.

    "I told you, didn't I? Just take your time and heal it properly. Your body has this natural spiritual energy barrier, so I can only treat it if I touch the right place directly. At least, that's my limit with my actual cultivation. Let's pretend that we didn't discuss it, shall we?"
    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Daoist_Rubeno

    You are confusing the "logical thinking" part a little. I am also thinking logically, its just that my aim is different. Your aim is simply to survive, whereas my decission making includes for instance, if I would want to live a life full of guilt, and I simply would not; in that case I would rather die trying to search for a solution to ensure, that we both can live instead. That is a logical decission I make. Also, any decission a human makes consciously about the life of another is dependend on some set of "morals", or some sort of justification. In your case that would be survival intent. I do not know what decision I would make if I am placed in the scenarion that when I kill One I can safe a hundred. But if it's only the 2 of us that are involved, well than I would make this decission as I described with a very high probability. Don't get me wrong, I am not judging anything here; and I think you should not do so too. There is simply no "correct" answer to moral based questions.

    'What I am planning to do next is really risky. There is a high chance that I might die but, if I don't do anything, I would lose my ego to Jyorta. Even if it goes against my ethics, I don't plan on dying a futile death and allow others to profit from my life's work. My situation doesn't allow me to maintain my ethics anyway; after all, I too am but a parasite.' The blue thought in a self-deprecating manner as it went through the details of its plans, making changes according to the memories.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to SirlordDaDerpWhale

    cornhub haha ^.^

    Jiang He laughed heartily. "You would definitely look very beautiful when you drink it, Miss Mu."
    Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started a Farm
    Eastern · Oof
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to M1XALI0

    haha you are funny

    "Aaargh!" George shouted; the only thing he could do after having his limbs perfectly severed from their sockets. The mutated language teacher threw George's severed right arm towards Laila, the impact making her lose consciousness. Noticing the condition of Jyorta by making use of her senses, the mutated language teacher sported a grin on her face, jumping to the back of the classroom and engaging in slaughter.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas

    riiigght a voice recorder so someone else can pick it up eventually ^^

    "Okay, everybody's going to get ready, you're going to be given a handgun just in case, as well as a bag containing a voice recorder to record your journey inside and what you see. If those don't work, there's also a pen and a writing pad, and there's also a watch to tell you when to get out. It's very important, so don't screw up. "Emerald spoke as he looked up at the screen.
    Hero System! Transported to Another World
    Fantasy · Ripcorez
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to M1XALI0

    Why are you so "*******" mad? I just pointed out the logical flaws of YOUR comment, which may have been inherited by the authors writing. Calm the "****" down dude.

    "Aaargh!" George shouted; the only thing he could do after having his limbs perfectly severed from their sockets. The mutated language teacher threw George's severed right arm towards Laila, the impact making her lose consciousness. Noticing the condition of Jyorta by making use of her senses, the mutated language teacher sported a grin on her face, jumping to the back of the classroom and engaging in slaughter.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas

    So what language is it? Java? c++? erlang? rust? or go? possibly js? I am confused I need more information!

    "Hello, World!"
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Sky_Void_of_Aeons

    well seems she/he did not get your joke here ^^

    As they fought for a long time, and as their memories became intertwined, Jyorta had come to know of its existence and could hence communicate with it. He tried to retaliate, using the methods of the blue soul against it. Alas, some inert differences between their souls made it difficult for Jyorta to effectively make use of the methods.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas

    I like her

    "Screw off! Once I'm done with this creep, you're next." Madam Mary howled, carrying the duo, making a hole in the barrier, and flying towards Wild Zone 1.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas

    so creepy

    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to M1XALI0

    what is his drive though. no emotions no Desires. only possible consequence would be an outside stimulation.

    "Aaargh!" George shouted; the only thing he could do after having his limbs perfectly severed from their sockets. The mutated language teacher threw George's severed right arm towards Laila, the impact making her lose consciousness. Noticing the condition of Jyorta by making use of her senses, the mutated language teacher sported a grin on her face, jumping to the back of the classroom and engaging in slaughter.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas

    discovered undercover bone, attention passangers, an undercover bone has been discovered!

    At the rear end of the compartment, 5 seats away from the crying children sat an old man, holding a magazine in front of his face. His hand was poised to the front, hiding his face from the travellers seated nearby, his gaze focused on the three children through the magazine, concentrated on Jyorta.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas


    Suppose she needed to attack but lacked the energy to do so, she could just borrow the energy from the muscle mass of a dead Frenzy Beast, using it to shoot bone spikes like a machine gun. This way, she could jump from one dead body to another, actively killing her foes without expending her energy. If she lacked energy, she could just absorb them from a dead body.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to BlackKatana07

    well he may be wrong too ^^

    "How many of them are there?" Jyovic inquired. As a Transformer, although he had a powerful body, he didn't retain any of his Skills, having swallowed a Cleansement Fruit. This made it difficult for him to sense anything hidden from his vision.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to Overkill

    I would probably rather die than killing someone innocent just to live myself. There is almost always an alternative route where the survival chance is less but still present. Taking this route will ensure in the best case the survival of two people which in turn will tremendously improve the survival rate of the group in most cases.

    'What I am planning to do next is really risky. There is a high chance that I might die but, if I don't do anything, I would lose my ego to Jyorta. Even if it goes against my ethics, I don't plan on dying a futile death and allow others to profit from my life's work. My situation doesn't allow me to maintain my ethics anyway; after all, I too am but a parasite.' The blue thought in a self-deprecating manner as it went through the details of its plans, making changes according to the memories.
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Ruhlas
    Replied to AlaskaFish

    And I can outrun anything he throws at me ^^

    Noticing their confused looks, the middle-aged lady made Ravis sit as she said, "Suppose Ravis was a Tier 1 Esper with 100% Sync Rate, then he would be able to control a single object at a time. The maximum weight of the object he can move will be 1 kilogram, its maximum speed of movement will be one metre per second, and he could move it within a metre of himself."
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus