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Right next to kakashi and jiraya, fr fr
All that ego and for what? A mediocre fight that’s drawn out for nonexistent suspense?
I’m not gonna lie, I read a decent amount of this story before coming to my decision because I generally like stories like these. But one thing that this story does terribly in comparison is respecting the source material. Every manga gacha roll he gets, he immediately starts ‘Chinafying’ everything about the story and changing little details in it. I like the slice of life parts a lot, that’s my favorite part of the story. But the MC’s relationships with his family feel so stagnant and even their comedy bits grate on you after a while. On top of it, there’s very little stakes in the story and even when there is a bit of outside conflict the answer is to call the wife or just roll the barebones gacha. The most conflict the MC goes through is deciding which parts of the story he has to change to appeal to Chinese readers. All in all, could be better.
I wish you used this ability more like smoothie from one piece
Honestly, I like this story a lot. But I feel like a lot of the struggle in the story is derived from trying to port over Japanese concepts and things from anime into Chinese. I get that this is a Chinese MTL story but still. You’d think there’d be more cool Chinese stuff, or just have the story take place in Japan
I know nothing of this book beyond the description, but akkikan never disappoints so I’m betting this is a triple gang banger
How is he so smart? This would make sense coming from literally ANYONE else
Jesus CHRIST. You’d think he’d stop announcing it by now
Loving it so far, but this seems WAY too intelligent for Thor to say
I don’t get why people didn’t like this. This is great, heartwarming honestly. Reading these two be so in love with each other and support each other makes my heart melt