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i was reading it since it has a new approach and thought it was interesting and mostly I'm having fun reading it ,but man is it dropped the last update was 5 months ago..i feel like i just wasted my time
i thought the author was weird coz of all the spoilers and his stupid attitude but novel is pretty good and i am loving it
man i am thoroughly disappointed came here looking for a villian but the only thing i got were wana be hero..i mean why the hell would you put villian tag when there nothing villian not even close as anti-villianif you are here looking for a villian don't even waste your time reading this there is nothing villian like even at the latter chapters just pathetic mc and his pathetic star review just for misleading tags
need more...................mmmm......m.m...
man i am thoroughly disappointed i came here looking for villian but i am just seeing a wanabe hero..its not even anti-villian this mc is straight up pathetic...are the reviews paid or what..
just wana ask is this harem if it is then please tell me before handso i can drop this
why have human body author a very dumb move by youbetter let them evolve in skeleton form..
tom,dick and hairry
tom,dick and hairry