


I bury myself in the work of others, whether it be trash, or shining gold.(I like to read) I conduct the most horrifying symphonies,where no mortal can bear.(My writing is shit, read at your own risk)

2018-12-24 JoinedCambodia



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A ‘life’ of a farmer

Normally, a farmer would just be a regular person that would farm crops, sell them and be a normal upstanding citizen(read as: follow rules). They would also occasionally join a local militia or army to help clear out some trouble or protecting their homeland. Farmers are the life blood of a nation, without them, stable food sources would be hard to procure. Too bad we almost never see their everyday lives, as they may be considered too boring with all the wait time. Too bad indeed.... .......Well, if you haven’t guessed it now, this is a story about a ‘regular’ farmer, though with a small caveat. He’s a walking, talking corpse, as in most of his body is biologically dead, but some kind of magic is still maintaining the cells somehow, so they keep rotting, but still divide. That’s it, he’s just a normal farmer.( I know some of you all are thinking he has some other kind of OP superpower, or is amazingly skilled at something, or if not, then he’s going to get OP later on. I just know it.) This is his story of how he lives his life as a farmer. ————————————————————— Well, this is my first novel ever, so there’s that. There’s also the fact that I do not have any plot for this thing, besides just having fun and coming up with cool( random) ideas and seeing how they fit here. Well. I have no idea where this is gonna be going either, but I am leaning towards him just living an ordinary life. Though if you have grand ideas of what he will do, just wait and see, even I do not know what will happen. It might happen, or it might not, let’s see. Also, updates will be very sporadic as I am not really truly invested into writing yet, though that may change in the future. Expect updates to be random in length and in release time. Apologies to any people who are irritated by it.

Jecarrus · Urban
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3 Chs