Kira Koharu, a young man who loved watching anime, especially when the anime version of Godzilla was first released, then the second movie.
"Damn, This Godzilla is better than any other Godzilla movie, even the movie so called Godzilla : King Of Monsters won't compare to this masterpiece."
"I mean look at this Godzilla who is freaking at 300 meters tall, a true overpowered monster."
Then a few months later, a trailer of the third movie was released, Kuro was dumbfounded at the new trailer.
"Holy Fuck is that King Ghidorah, but all of its heads are just basically flying with no body, I can't wait for it to be released!"
But one night, he was walking down on the stairs to get some water, but he accidentally miss a step and fell on the stair, the first one to land is head then his body.
The impact was really hard that he instantly died before he can watch the movie.
Then he was transported on another world on a form of Godzilla with a System.
This is my very first written story, English is not my native language, so I might mistype something.
I will upload every chapters that I have written immediately.
I can probably released chapter for today or tommorow.
TheFriendlyWeeb · Others