

2018-12-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to 1g8ui6

    Considering he's wanted by the family that is currently targeting the city he is in, the fact that he has not left indicates that the city is more defended, then would be assumed by the presumed weakness. It also indicates that he may betray his family specifically because he found an opportunity with someone stronger.

    Even managing to sway members of the Lakir Family to their side, the Wilben Family displayed a strength and influence that belied their outward appearance of weakness. 
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to hot_papichulo

    He's just trying to keep himself from getting a big head

    As for seeking revenge against Reman for subtly insulting his lineage? Aksai believed that becoming a Foundation Building Expert in the future would be the best revenge against both the man and his daughter. Not that he was advancing on his cultivation journey with the intention of humiliating them.
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to hot_papichulo

    No it was not

    Reman's remarks about Aksai's family were merely a pretext to back out of the agreement he had previously made with Aunt Reta. While he may not marry his daughter off to Aksai, he didn't wish to sour his relationship with him either.
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Naruto420

    no way.

    He realized he could have obtained it directly from her instead of relying on chance encounters during his upcoming trip to Wilben City.
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to faceless

    Why would someone somewhat stronger than him want to take him along? It's obviously a trap. He either plans to use him as a meat shield. Or for some other nefarious purpose. The guy's desperate.

    If you want to endanger your life, be my guest. Don't drag me with you when you fall into a hole you dug yourself,' Aksai concluded in his head before turning aloof and quiet.
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Overmind009

    It doesn't state by how much. He just basically doesn't want to get his hopes up for it to transform him into a genius Cultivator when it could just make him from low quality to Average.

    "No. Stay steady. I shouldn't make assumptions just yet."
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Reganin

    He's basically's undecided on whether or not he wants to use it or not. He's being cautious and doing his due. Diligence in finding out whether or not the path is acceptable to him

    As for why Aksai was even reading the descriptions related to the bloodlines even when he had no foreseeable plans to start the bloodline transfusion? Although he wasn't sure if he wanted to tread the path of a non-human cultivator, he deemed it essential to learn more about the pros and cons of this path.
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Darth_Evolution898

    Could you please list some recommendations of the same. I only know if three other ones. Beware of chicken. Can't remember the other two. I'd really like some more.

    "Who said farming life is boring? I'll kill for a life like this. For a sight like this."
    A Farmer's Journey To Immortality
    Eastern · Grayback
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to BoNe_of_mY_SwORd

    I find it funny. Low bar but whatever

    I let out a amused chuckle and headed towards the car, For some reason it's just so amusing teasing Thing Like that.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Cha_D_Bear

    I also wouldn't even notice if a phone was high-tech. Or not. They all look the same. By that I mean flat screen. It would have to transform in front of me for it to be recognizable as advanced.

    Hmm... maybe the Author just got to lazy...
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to RexEth

    I think you'll find that. That is definitely not true. Consider the fact that an arc reactor can only power a suit for a day or so With high activity. Considering the things that he could build, i'm gonna assume That the items he can build in. That warehouse are power hogs far beyond what a city could take

    "Jarvis, Deassemble the Mark 5 Armour, and use the old arc reactor to power this whole warehouse"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246

    I can't understand his thought process in the slightest. This just seems to be intentionally stupidity in order to ratch up tension when he's obviously wrong. I don't like it

    I simply shrugged at the high possibility of it not coming towards me plus all that attack power I have got, oh cant forget about the gun hehe.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to YesMan

    It just said he ate someone. It's definitely a wind to go. I'm calling it now

    "Sir after gathering all the information about this person previous to this incident, it seems that this person has a record for Cannibilism and before he transformed, he had entered the freezer, where there is no available video after a minute he reappeared looking hagard.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246

    This particular explanation is very bad. I like the story for the most part, But this breaks the immersion so hard. I'm gonna come back to this later

    "The Seventh feature is an emergency healing pod, it is can be used to treat all external injuries on the body inflicted due to damage, it can even bring a person on the verge of death back if it is a external injury, I had not told you about this due to not fully understanding your nature, whether you are the feckless kind or the safe kind, If you knew about this feature and turned out your personality type was the risk seeking kind then it would be a guarantee safety, which will cause you to be reckless and cause unnecessary damage that could other wise have been avoided, I apologise Sir"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Thirdus

    Zero perceivable delays

    Rght now it's has zero delay, this is faster than propably any super computers from my memory and its Compact enough to all fit in a laptop as thin as this!
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Nero_K_Cagliostro

    Not a repair shop. The system shop.

    Rght now it's has zero delay, this is faster than propably any super computers from my memory and its Compact enough to all fit in a laptop as thin as this!
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Dragonlord89

    I think he only has the knowledge of how to build a mark one's suit. I think it said in the story that he has all the memories of iron man 1. Does that mean he has all the memories up to that movie or just the memories from the movie

    "I know the amount of power required for running Jarvis on the laptop it will take so I'm gonna make improvements on its processing speed, I'll read up some books today and then I'll buy the parts from the shop to improve it today"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Charlie_English

    Jarvis's just a code

    Well in actuality it's two weeks enough time for me to fully dedicate to building Jarvis.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    TV · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to B_O_O

    That's only if the goblins will allow access to an eleven year old kid. I'm pretty sure Harry Potter wasn't able to access it because he was authorized by dumbledore with Hagrid. I could be wrong but there's plenty of reasons to assume an eleven year old wouldn't be able to get anything from a bank.

    The group chatted about themselves quietly as they waited for the first step of the potion to finish. Nick explained about his amnesia and how he didn't actually care if he actually was a muggleborn or not which is why he had chosen not to take the Gringotts test. "You aren't even a little curious , for all you know you could be the long lost descendant of merlin or something." Tracy said not understanding his thinking. Nick shrugged "It's simply no fun to just have everything given to you because of your bloodline. I'd rather earn it all with my own effort and become the next merlin instead." he said proudly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to daoistxuanlong

    It's not that they don't have self-control. It's that they're so used to doing it. They do it on reflex

    The night ended without that conversation of course as Hermione was rather stubborn about learning by herself. Still unlike in the story the majority of first year Gryffindor at least had a decent grasp on potions theory and ingredients now. Nick didn't doubt that Snape will likely look through their memories to figure out why and find Nick at the center of it. 'It's pointless if he does though since Sanar makes gentle legilimency impossible and unless he wants to get reported to the ministry by a whole lot of witnesses hard legilimency is also off the table.' Nick thought smugly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro