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Prediction: Alex will manage to make a pill with all 5 major ingredients of different elements.
Why 1 mp per second still? Didn't he get that when he evolved from lesser slime to slime?
Aster could use a monster girl stone.... I doubt she will do it, but the possibility is there
Prediction: Legion-3 (a.k.a the demon clone) is absorbing the cosmic source from under the First Sage. In this situation the First Sage notices that everything is going too well and so tries to investigate. This results in 1 of 3 situations. 1) The First Sage finds Legion-3, they battle and Legion-3 escapes with the almost refined cosmic source (cause Legion is more prepared than the First Sage and their Aspect of Probability should help them in that regard) 2) Same as situation 1 but the First Sage manages to keep the cosmic source. In this case Legion is likely to reveal that the Void Universe is ending while escaping and hiding nearby. This causes the alliance of the First Sage and the other 3 World Gods to fall apart. Now it is a Legion vs First Sage vs 3 World Gods fight just because Legion wanted to spite the First Sage. This also results in the likely scenario that Legion is victorious in stealing the cosmic source 3) The First Sage doesn't find Legion-3 but still remains wary, Legion-3 ambushes the first Sage and steals the cosmic source before escaping from the 3 other World Gods. If the First Sage is still alive after the fight and Legion escapes successfully, The 3 World Gods will attempt to kill the First Sage
So, they should beg and grovel to stay in Aster's presence!
They had to have the same aspects in all their supreme laws. This serves 2 purposes: 1. They can still recognize each other as 'Legion' and thus can suppress a bit their desire to replace every other clone's supreme law with themselves in order to cooperate (Due to the Aspect of Unity and that they don't have major differences to their aspects. In every other scenario they would have fought immediately after their supreme laws were created until all but 1 remained) 2. They can more easily enhance their Aspects when they fuse back together to become an Absolute(i think). So instead of when fusing all their aspects to become 1, they become 12 Absolutes that are connected... Or so was the plan for Legion before they created their supreme laws. Infection Aspect changes that plan a lot
from where is this?