Across a Sea of Stars to Find You
Known as the seven princesses of Moonland, Azaleia(Aza) and her six older sisters- Helenya(Yaya), Mellina(Lina), Maylana(Lana), Stellara(Lara), Roselina(Rosie), and Rosalia(Lia)-have journeyed across the stars to a new universe to learn more about the nature of the universes that they live in, in order to be able to govern it properly.
They will meet their fated ones and face dangers and experience things they've never experienced before, but they will persevere with their talents and blessing from the gods and goddesses-and of course, the human empires that can deal with all the human problems that they use their highly advanced technologies to create.
* this novel is suppose to be lighthearted and sweetly romantic, the serious parts are few and far apart
*everything is made up out of my crazy brain so whatever coincidences you notice or think is real, forget it cuz it's not
XueLian_5299 Β· General