


Ignorance exist all around me; to bring enlightenment to such is a hassle. Yet I cannot deny its hold on me, but I can defy its control over me.

2018-11-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • BloodJade

    I understand the worry here. Yeah the plots already changing, as you're shifting the rivers flow ever so slightly through your mere presence anfld your worried that major plot changing action will spiral the river out of control. breaking the original pathway into something that leads to or forms a waterfall too fast too quickly. But it is also a fact, that people MUST understand, is that the plot in question here is enforced by higher powers in this world that have their own agendas. Only by knowing there schemes and digging out key plot points to the success of those plans will the story be significantly changed. like stopping the rat (stomach Lazar guy) from taking UA's schedule in the beginning which led to class 1-A getting jumped and many other subsequent league of villain attacks. So making someone stronger shouldn't be your main concern for plot change, your main concern (if the mc already knows) is wether you should give key info out to characters that can change the plot and how you would do so if you decide to.

    Time traveller shifting a rock and the next second the planet is destroyed or whatnot. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • BloodJade

    imma ignore this paragraph

    Yuta after seeing the notification from the system, closed his open mouth before he politely refused Izuku until he decided how much he should be involved with Izuku, All Might and AFO. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • BloodJade

    I mean MC already accepted to help before that carrot on a stick so he isn't completely tied to the systems rewards

    'Hmm, now I have no choice,'
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • BloodJade
    Replied to Jin_moon

    I'll put it In my reading list

    Ch 730 An Impossible Foe
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade
    Replied to Ehbon

    I feel like the reason why they do this has a direct connection to how they live regularly with their governments form of rule. After all, our creative works are based off what we know from our world and our own desires, so considering the author is Chinese there will be inherently different values, views, known sayings, language, wisdom, and more influencing their work. This, "Hide my power from the government to not attract attention," may just be a very real ideology within their society.

    To keep a low profile, he filled in Palm Thunder, Clothing Protection Spirit, and Vanishing Skills as being slightly proficient.
    Why Do All These Monsters Have Health Bars?
    Eastern · I Really Want To Get Drunk
  • BloodJade

    Always here for a new chap, thanks Biako 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 743 Routing
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    I'll try and leave more comments legolas

    Ch 9 Chapter 9
    Red Nara
    Anime & Comics · l_legolas
  • BloodJade

    Thanks for the chap Biako 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 742 Warfare II
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    Thanks for the chap Biako 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 741 Warfare
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    I got many theories as to what could happen l, so let me break it down for ya: 1 - Shen Boa's puppets make use of the cube (ya know the law calculator that has OP processing power) to quickly figure out the soul frequency at which the soul steel listens to. Which allows the puppet army and Shen Boa to make tools and manipulate the terrain around then using the broken off pieces of soulsteel around them in the halls (you know, cause the bastion was conserving energy and let go of pieces of soulsteel to conserve energy) [Of course, this works as long as they have a soul, but what defines one to have a soul is different in the world the author is making compared to my own view] 2 - Shen Boa makes work of the majority of the Rakshasha and has an epic strategic battle with the noble one. Clearing out the bastion and from there spends his time learning the history and assimilating the knowledge of the bastion. Upgrading his repretiuor of formation knowledge, cultivation, and more to successfully take over the bastion and use it as his territory along with the reward from the tournament. from there, Shen Boa will develop his robot army using the new materials and knowledge, making them a whole new race that is recognized by the Heavens while simultaneously using his power to explore more of the vast expanses forbidden zones. All the while helping the princess restore her cultivation and more. This is only what I believe could happen, and I really am hoping for Y to be the one to figure out the soul steel. After all, he has such an OP mind in the form of a cube that it would be a waste for Shen Boa to take up the challenge for everything. I'm not saying I don't like the MC being smart, but rather, he is such a genius that he can make things that can handle such problems with ease. I also think this'll put more importance on just how powerful Shen Boas Robots truly are, to not just be OP in combat. Anyways, thanks for the chap, Biako 🙌🙏👍, and check out my reply comment from the other chapter.

    Ch 740 Meeting
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade
    Replied to Biako

    No problem, also (since I got you in a good mood) do you have any tips for aspiring authors? I got ideas, but my implementation of them is kinda lacking. Specifically, I have an overall view of what I want to happen. The specific view of what happens to reach those points is thought of on the fly and refined over time... but the problem comes after that when I find that even after knowing the plot, I can not write it out in a way that makes me satisfied. for a long while now I've been struggling with getting content out because I don't feel my writing is up to the standard I have developed as a reader. which I know is not right, but I can't help it. sometimes I go on Google search sprees to confirm the meaning of words I'm gonna use or looking up stuff I knew of but didn't know, just to make sure I don't sound crazy. Only for me to burn out all the fuel filling up the car of determination. This is getting long, but what I'm really asking is what do you do when you plan and write out a chapter? What did you do in the past? What are you doing now? What tips or any advice do you have for beginners with not much writing experience like me?

    Ch 739 War
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    1st minute: New chapter posted by Biako? Let's read it immediately! 2nd minute: I should have read slower... 3rd minute: I wonder what kind of comment i should do. At the very least, it has to be unique. 4th minute: I Got It! What's more unique than my own person! 5th minute: looking back at this, I should've just thanked you for the chapter Biako, but I'm too far in now so 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 739 War
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    Another Chapter So Soon!? THANKYOU BIAKO 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 738 Going Dark
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    I feel giddy, an almost terrifying pleasure is drawn from the description of these recent events. I dare say I'm glad I'm not a doctor or scientist with how interested I am in this topic. Anyway, thanks for the chap Biako 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 736 On The Chopping Block
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    first, and thanks for chap Biako 🙌🙏👍

    Ch 734 Revitalize
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    We need more Biako, MORE!!! MY PRIVELEDGE WONT LAST FOREVER!!! But besides my desperation to see this arcs conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this chapters release Biako; Good Job 🙌 🙏 👍

    Ch 733 Under Their Noses
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    "Get Out Of My Room I'm Playing MINECRAFT!!" Besides the joke, thanks for the chapter Biako 🙏 👍

    Ch 732 Minecraft
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    Shen's getting a run for his money here. Hopefully, after the end of this, he gets to Sun level

    Ch 731 Escape
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    As long as I got the cash, I will support this story till the end! even if I don't got the cash, I'll wait till I do have some and support ya again. Thanks for the chap Biako 🙏 👍

    Ch 730 An Impossible Foe
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • BloodJade

    Luck directly delves into the concept of possibility, as of the infinite amount of possibilities that exist in every moment, you just so happen to have the right string of events that brings you down the most optimal path towards your goal. Luck is powerful but also not omnipotent. because although there are an infinite amount of possibilities to have available to you at any given moment... it is also a fact that not all infinities are of the same size class. Nor are they limited to what we define a good or bad results. This means there will be times that there are no possibilities that will give you the results you want... leaving you at a dead end. You could have infinite possible ways to die, and you just so happen to get the quick and painless option of them all... lucky you. Anyways, thanks for the chap, Biako 🙏 👍

    Ch 729 Enemy At The Gate
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako