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Invincible Warriors Sect

Disclaimer: I mean no one ill to any country of the world. All the countries are equal and great in their own right. This is purely fictional and meant for the sake of entertainment. Any resemblance to any living or dead person is purely coincidental or in the story to ground the story more in reality. Nothing in this story is meant to mock or insult any person alive or dead. The Third World War began on 1st May 2021. The tension between India and China has escalated to an unbelievable level in the past two years. They were practically at each other's throats. Communist China declared an all-out war on India in the morning on 1st May. Pakistan joined hands within 30 minutes of China's declaration. Russia joined hands with China on the 4th. India was forced to fight on two fronts. India pleaded it's case with the Security Council but with two permanent members in war with India, they weren't able to get any support. Soon, all of Russia's allies and countries previously part of the Soviet Union joined China and Russia. Communism was back and it was back with a punch. Europe was divided. With the Soviet Union back together, there was a major thereat of a Soviet invasion into Europe. All of EU convened and came to the conclusion that the Soviet could not be allowed to rise again and declared it's support to India. Japan who had built up relations with India over the past two years with a free trade agreement between the two, declared her support to India. With over half the world's population at war, the US could not stay silent anymore. The tension between US and Russia that had reduced after the Cold War once again surged to an all time high. With the threat of nuclear war on the horizon, and with all her hatred of Russia, US and her allies declared war on Russia and declared their support to India on the 1st of June. The Middle East was divided in this. Saudi joined Russia. Iran and Kuwait joined US. Iraq joined Russia. UAE joined US. Turkey made a drastic move and joined Russia. Afghanistan joined US. Egypt joined US. All of the other East Asian countries joined Russia and China. Myanmar joined India. Nepal and Bhutan joined India. Sri Lanka joined India. Korea was divided. Both sides were her foes but ended up deciding that she hated China more. Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore choose to remain strictly neutral only agreeing to provide medical support for anyone who wished for it and agreed to provide Asylum for 1 million people in total. Australia and New Zealand, being under the British crown joined the British and EU against the Communists. All of Africa and South America was divided into grids supporting Russia and US. While war was taking place in over thirty fronts, there were few that were important. The Pacific Ocean being the most important one. Japanese and Korean navies along with the US navy managed to push back Chinese and Russian forces. Korea finally managed to until peacefully in wartime. Chinese and Russian merchant ships going across the Pacific and Indian oceans were stopped and starved to death by Indian and Australian ships. In the midst of this chaos the Russian battleships made an impressive comeback going near a stalemate in the Pacific. The next most important front was in Europe where NATO clashed with the Soviet forces. It was a very difficult battle but neither side was ready to give up. The last most important front was in the Himalayas were the Indian and American forces collided with the Chinese and Pakistani forces. For nine years the war waged on and neither side was ready to start firing nukes. In the midst of all this chaos, the Chinese sect leader, Li Jinkin, who sees the Indian sect leader Aditi every day starts feeling things other than hatred towards her, including nervousness....

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