I rather read than sleep, but my vision is getting bad(though systane eyedropper seems to help). I rather read than eat, but then I don't have the energy to hold my phone to read the webnovels. I rather read than work, but then I need money to buy the novels on here. so, eventually I quickly do what I have to do, so I can get to reading as soon as possible...Advice from a Fellow webnovel addict reader.
of reading
Read books
sending Author-san good health wishes!!!
the best feiend that died???
find a way to leave an anonymous note of warning. or life at the base will get a bit bad
hope she takes the advice
your health is not great and you're....never mind.
u better go hunt now, because the acid rain later will kill off a lot of them
yay. they got their cruise ship finally
they should do some fishing while they're there already
please remember to start digging for soil. save a lot please