a girl passionate about books and 💘 reading alot,,,,reading takes my troubles away and diverts my attention 😍
of reading
Read books
i love Mel for her determination...Morgan is just using her....he is alittle disgusting at this point yet he claims to be in love with her
I really do hope he marks her
i really feel for the couple... they deserve the best ending...Wilder and Ann would have been a great power couple
i don't get why grandma Wei loves Chu Yuan soo much and why does the whole family accept soo much bs from her... shouldn't they just do away with her once and for all...i really hate ready her part...it's just soo sickening and frustrating
i think Sir Richard reported to the elders without informing Wilder causing the witches to be killed...Ann was Wilder's mate....i think he felt guilty afterwards then assisted in the execution of Sir Zilot
i feel it too
i don't think am ready for an unexpected surprise
i don't trust Damian at all...he is just sus...he is always at the right place at the right time to clear off any suspicion on him...there is just something about him i can't shake off
i will definitely miss that kid Livi
she has become a very bitter person....she did not reflect on herself...she was the one who started the fight leading to her brother's death inorder to save her...what kind of twisted thinking does she have