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Uhm... Los Angeles isn't in a desert. Las Vegas is, but that's not where he saw the spider.
This has been bothering me for the last couple chapters. But, did you mean "lupine" (wolflike) rather than "vulpine" (foxlike)?
No, he isn't. The date is right, but it's the fourth Thursday, not the last Thursday. It can fall anywhere between the 22nd and 28th. It's a national holiday, so it's the same everywhere in the U.S.
Ah, yeah. It's been a while since I've read this, so I forgot that applies to the naginata as well.
When did he retrieve it?
So according to your definition two thirds of the US population is "lower class." "Lower class" isn't an economic group it's an insult. Here are some rough but more reasonable definitions. The poor cannot reliably obtain basic necessities without help and are generally unemployed or under employed. The working poor are poor who are fully employed. The working class can reliably obtain basic necessities but have precious little disposable income or wealth and are generally employed unskilled or low skilled labor with little autonomy in how they do their jobs. The middle class has a reasonable amount of disposable income and some wealth (often mostly in the form a home equity) and are typically employed in skilled jobs that provide some degree of autonomy. The upper middle class or professional class is a member of the middle class with much higher than average income and wealth typically employed in a highly skilled profession. The upper class has wealth, or income high enough to quickly generate the wealth sufficient that they do not need to be employed and can comfortably live off of passive income from investments, interest, and the like.
Middle class doesn't actually have a clear cut definition, but there is no definition that makes it as small as 5%. It ranges from around 25% to around 66%. Your income range looks more like it's from a definition of upper middle class than middle class as a whole. A household with office workers making a total of 50k is lower middle class by most defintions. A household with two office workers making 50k each is solidly middle class by any definition.
Not exactly, but there are multiple parts to the series with different titles. There's a post about the best reading order on the author's patreon.
Original author uses the name BlueDragon or BlueDragonAuthor depending on the site. Stories original name is "An Ordinary S*x Life." Make sure safe search is off, or you probably won't get the results you're looking for.
fletcher -> quiver