

2018-11-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • ComicStephanie

    It'll be good for you not to fall for another sucker

      Jessica always thought she had good self—control. Yet under Terry's gaze, Jessica blushed and her heart pounded faster.
    Remarriage: His Billionaire Ex-wife
    General · H.D.Cynthia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to Sherr_marnati

    Really need to calm. She seem to get so defensive with everyone. With that attitude, everyone's gonna become enemy with her

    Three brunettes were still trying to take a peek at Ashton when suddenly they froze.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to SASHA

    Exactly. Infact, just because she sounds a lot cocky, prideful and picky. Talia was a whole lot better at handling her powers and still friendly/approachable to others. Not so much with her daughter though. The more I read, the more she sounds to me like a petulant child wanting others to bend low just because of what she think she is. It has PRIDE written all over!

    Violet had no intention of fighting with Luna Michelle for Ashton's attention. It's not that Ashton was neglecting Violet, but Violet didn't like the long hug Luna Michelle gave Ashton when they arrived, and that hug would last much longer if Ashton didn't pry Luna Michelle's arms from him. After that, the whole lunch, Luna Michelle was utterly focused on Ashton, barely acknowledging Violet's presence. Violet could understand that Luna Michelle was doting on her son, but ignoring Violet was difficult to swallow. She was the future Alpha of Alphas, and Alpha Cristian treated her as royalty, while Luna Michelle wanted Violet to manage her packhouse. What a joke!
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to Eulinda_Ogiste

    Unwelcoming, huh? 🙄🙄 Where did you read that. I see nothing like that in that paragraph. All I see is a Mother who still dotes on her only Son.

    Luna Michelle would put food onto Ashton's plate, always asking if he wanted more, and Violet suspected that Luna Michelle would try feeding Ashton if Violet was not there. Violet saw the Pascal family many times, but always in an official setting with many guests around.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    Thought we are way past this after his fight with Ashton?

    Violet's brothers were protective of her, and they saw Ashton as someone who came to take away their sister. Even Jacob, who was usually friendly with Ashton, was giving him the stink-eye. Damon was filled with a different level of hostility, one that was bloodthirsty and tangible, and Ashton was confident that if Talia was not there, Damon would explode into violence.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to Sherr_marnati

    Just like I commented earlier. Only gonna breed malice and bitterness.

    "We are NOT a threat to our pack," Valeria said through her teeth.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    Pleaseee! This competition of who's besr or strong has dragged on enough and so unnecessary. Yes. We know you are the Alpha Violet and must not be challenged. But a bit of understanding matters. You don't have to rub it badly and keep humiliating her or her family just because she's second best. All these drama sounds so exaggerated and childish, gosh!

    "Were you expecting us to wait for you?" Violet asked. Before Valeria could respond, Violet asked her next question. "Do you think you are important enough for your Alpha to wait because you decided to make a grand entrance by being tardy?"
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to Marchiezzzz

    You could be wrong. Fore-shadowing remember?

    Talia turned to look in the direction of her Japanese garden where Violet and Ethan were. "Our Vi is having her first crush. Don't spoil this for her."
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    This woman is so Nasty! ☹

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • ComicStephanie

    Erin is such a comic relief

    "While she is distracted, you should know that I am also good at making sexy nightwear. I can help you knock the duke off his feet," Erin whispered to Alessandra. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • ComicStephanie

    I love Erin!

    Ch 94 New friend (3)
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to CatT

    Yeah. You and me wished and predicted this in our earlier comment 😁

    Travis' eyes sprang open, and he stared at Olivia. The horror in her eyes broke something in him.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to CatT

    I thought same. I guess we are two individuals who thinks alike 😀

    Olivia was drifting in and out of consciousness, and her mind was swimming.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    I get that he is being all lovey dovey over Talia. But rude is rude; and he is quite that - RUDE. I see nothing wrong in a daughter sharing in her Father's grief. That makes her compassionate as a being. 🙄🙄🙄

    Talia's father or not, he made her cry, and Damon was NOT happy about this! "Talia is pregnant, and her emotions are unstable. Her impulse is to fix things and make others happy. You telling her about your grief which can't be fixed, is not helping." And if you are not helping, you should keep your mouth shut!
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to Akingbade_Sikemi

    This made me laughed 😅 So spot on!

    "This is not my fight," Declyn said. "From the beginning, I told you that I don't approve and that it will backfire."
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to RedSonia

    Yeah, RedSonia. Suggest 1 therapy, and I'll be sure to go. But I have 1 for you too - go get writers open-mindedness therapy. It'll be sure to help you get off your high-horse. Your novels are good but no singular writing is completely perfect. So quit acting all high and mighty because whether you like it or don't, readers alway MAY and DO have opinion to share. And quit trying to run me off your novels. You didn't invite me to read. I chose to read it. Besides, you thinking I'm ALWAYS negative is your own assumption and it's all on you. You don't know dime about me. My observations are always drawn from what you wrote. So, yeah, kill me if I have a mind to ask questions or point lapses out. 🙄🙄🙄

    Damon's insides tightened. That was Talia's voice.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    So many cliches. This throwing of Damon's past sins always is old already. Everyone how far he has come and changed. I guess now he's mind is going to be messed with again and he'll be put in a compromising situation with another female. Talia will see it and, let me guess, she'll feel betrayed and it'll be back to square one where she holds it over Damon's head and guilty- tripping him every time with it. 😐😐

    "Yes, yes," Gregory interrupted him. "I'm sure you have excuses ready but none that could erase the fact you hurt Natalia. You can slip once and say it was an accident, maybe twice. However, your behavior is showing a pattern where you are acting on your own selfish impulses without regard for your mate."
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie

    Laughing out like 😂😂😂

    “Yup! Now the ringer isn’t going to be like your other kids. The ringer is your wife reincarnated in the bowels and depths of…. never mind, just know she’s going to be the complete replica of your beloved, and she will rob you of every vestige of sleep and sanity for the rest of your natural life.”
    The Gentleman Biker
    Urban · Jordan Silver
  • ComicStephanie

    I don't know why I kind of feel sorry for him. Oh, well, this is fantasy and we are all living it

    George swayed a bit before steadying himself and looking down at Alpha Edward, whose body was soaking in the pool of blood.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • ComicStephanie
    Replied to K_Deck


    Owen's eyes were open wide in disbelief. He and George had been friends from childhood, but Owen never saw George in his wolf form.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia