I love dragons and mountain dew
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honestly the only novel from the author i thought was unique enough and had a decent protagonist. I'm sad to see it just sit and rot on what has become one of the greediest apps ever.
I got hit hard by the heat from that burn and I wasn't even the target
no step on snek- i mean badger
wonder if we will get to see Cain soon.
that last comment was just pure evil
pretty accurate representation of the mc you found there.
reads like chat gpt wrote it chapters 16 and 17 are good examples the same thing was explained 3 different ways with 3 completely different outcomes from the middle of 16 to the beginning of 17
why does it seem like the same thing happened but with 2 different outcomes? there's no mention of them returning back to the forest nor of Jason killing another set of scouts they had already left and reported back in the previous paragraph so what the hell is going on in these last few paragraphs? this is the second time I'm seeing this though the one with the spider wasn't nearly as bad
probably is counting the hatched ones here