I dare not call myself an immortal but in my prime, not even legends and mythical beings could bring my doom. Now 100 years later, I have stayed under the radar and live my life peacefully. I am bored
of reading
Read books
This novel started out great in the beginning and started introducing us to future plots. Plots that were meant to be fully explored when the girls get a higher cultivation and find the origin of the devouring technique/who the mysterious person in the mask but apparently not. Noticed the quality of the story dropping chapter after chapter like chapter 400. The rushed ending did not do this story justice. Left out a lot of plot holes and the ending was just pure shit. The girls never even meet Bai Yi has the owner of the simulation *facepalm*. It's a shame honestly.
As a kid back in 6th grade loved to learn about dinosaurs, this has greatly let me down. The writing is brain dead, the mc is brain dead, and the strong dislike of countries also is brain dead. I had my hopes up thinking it was going to be a smart mc slowly evolving and fighting against the futuristic human race. But it surprised me in a bad way. The camera girl reminds me of the girl in Kong: Skull Island tho lol. Pretty bad read and haven't been this dissapointed in awhile.
What de heeel is this?