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Firkraag coming for a visit.
Love for her mummy drove her nutters :x Yea im growing to like Youlan more.
All hail the mightiest weapon in existance :D
Same, Youlan seem to have the right idea :3 As for Mengxie i guess we'll see.
The incorrect use of gender words like him\her will forever haunt me in these novels XD (and yes i know why it happens :P)
My favourite instrument! \o/
Why did that name had to be given to the hero Q_Q i use it as a nickname alot .x
I like you that way, sometimes its fun with OP MC's.
I have a feeling this little vampire doesn't care about whatever claire wants to do aslong as she gets to suck some blood lol.
hoh, so she went from A to S. Get stronker gal :3