curently comprehending the dao of reading all night
of reading
Read books
the fenris army is one of the rares armies to have priest at the ready, and they only have some because Ghislain made a deal with the corrupt cardinal, otherwise the priest they have would still be in the fields doing missionary work, so Rayfold probably doesn't have priests.
Zolgrish is that you?
if you assume the relative speed increase from a jog to a sprint is proportional to what we are used to, the ones running faster could very well be running at 100km/h, meaning they wouldn't need 30 minutes tu run the 100 laps
assumong this is a normal 400m track, it means they ran 12 km in 15 minutes, that's 48 km/h, faster than ussain bolt, and that's just a normal, slow jog by their standard
for the record, the 5 senses were defined by aristotes, but it has since evolved into at least nine senses, and some people define up to 32, including the sense of equilibrium, thermosensibility (it is separated from the sense of touch, you can lose them separately), the sense of your own body (some people can't clap their hands if they don't see them because they don't have that), and others
he said he could use it even outside the academy, right? so what if he decides to buy houses, a lot of them, like an absurd amount, all to create a rarity and sell them at a jacked up price?
HEY! That's mine, give it back!
man I couldn't do that with just mental calculations, even tho I was considered good at it all the way until the end of high school 😭
man how the fuck did he survive for so long before, because since the start of the story, he would have died 5 or 6 times already
I don't see him being anyone other than manohar