loves reading anything interesting
of reading
Read books
I have a feeling butler li is one of Vincent's people
i think he stayed with Monica for sometime before he was brought to Nathan
Yes you are petty.... very very petty
I wonder if they are communication and everyone thinking they understand each other. i honestly hate stories like this. We those reading are humans so you should write stories that calms us not one that always irritate us. Sooo annoying
why do you keep jumping from one scene to the other. At least finish one before you move to the other. Jumping between scenes just throws the reader off.
This story is mostly similar to the other book ( she became glamorous after the engagement annulment ) I don't know why the author is soo into leads having multiple identities and triplets lol. I really want to read this story too and see if it will be any different.
Why is Reine giving off sugar momma vibes😂😂
They should just return the body to where they took it from
Monica Monica Monica 🙄🙄🙄is that all he thinks about
That soo yin girl is sooooo annoying and immature