You called the wrong!
I was called. This world is inhabited by various fantasy crap, often very dangerous for humans. Here the king of these same men requires these creatures to be cut out from me. Who would like to arrange a genocide on the orders of the old bloke in the crown, which you should not Nichrome? Maybe some narrow-eyed impotent pedophile agrees, but dismiss me from such work. Well, or I'll quit myself. Here now I will pump and I will give from this king on ed * bam ...
Ahtung! Violence, mate and sex!
As well as racism, sexism and a bunch of different other isms.
Welcome to my reality.
Here the Abyss is waiting for you, do not pass by.
Here the stars grin and tear the nebula,
And Revelation burns its lights.
I'll make fires for you
Wood will make love dreams
Enmity and hatred, let it flash brighter!
Something is lurking in the dark ...
Monsters grin behind his back,
Covered with human blood
Roads leading to my
Last desperate fight!
Welcome to black dance
Blades with death in the world of emptiness.
The flower of war will reveal its crimson,
Get the mark you from the clutches of Fate.
You are a king, a warrior or just a wanderer,
Whose path lies in the midst of light or darkness
But for the gods any such chosen one
Just a pawn on the board of the game.
Roar, madness howl,
Whisper behind her.
Again interrupts rest
New desperate fight!
Welcome to battle without rules
Here are the trick and swords,
And no matter who praised whom
To gods and stars, however shout.
Only units will climb stubbornly.
On the fragile stairs through the abyss of darkness
In the depths of the warp, where the ruins of the temple
Keep the peace of one who dreams.
Guardians of Visana with me!
Build our leaves wave
To preserve that peace
What was paid for by a dream ...
SirexElite · Fantasy