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  • War_God_Ashura

    You know..... i cane here for the NSFW.. but i kinda enjoy the story and others bits aswell 😅🤣

    AN - Like the twist? I'll Work toward the first NSFW scene in the next couple of chapters now!
    Harry Potter: Ero World
    Book&Literature · light_novel_addict
  • War_God_Ashura

    *Sighs* Let me guess, there will be consequences for Ulf losing his V card to her? cuz ofcourse there would be, i mean you cant say anything in GoT without there being consequences for it. (and for gods sake, dont let their 1 night of good stuff lead to pregnancy.. cuz thats just a bag of chaos waiting to happen.. if she dies, and she is pregnant... Well i dont wanna see the White Knight at his peak form, and angry.. cuz then alot of people gonna die, and iz gonna be scary [img=Shocked])

    Ch 62 Chapter 61 - Embracing Vulnerability
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    See! I told you! The Author is Eeevil!! Im gonna call it now: The Great White Knight Ulf, will not escape the shadows of Love that once could be, but was never to be, untill a time of Sorrow, Blood, and Chaos has engulfed Westeros.. at that time, there will be a faint glimmer of light, and if the White Knight were to not grab it in time.. Then there will come a time where the White Knight, shall transform into the Black Knight, and all of westeros will pay. For nothing is more terrifying, then the anger of a Gentle Man.. So tread lightly Companion of the White Knight, if the poisoned words of the sick and mad dragon were to convince you to harm the one who calls himself your brother.. then nothing will stop the Carnage that will happen as a result

    Ch 60 Chapter 59 -Echoes of Belief
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Author, may i ask.. how much more pain are you going to put upon Ulf? cuz lets be honest, Rhaena is now going to be a big problem, and the only way to get her, is probably to have either Nettles, or Ulf himself plunge his sword into her, and Silverwing finishing off Cannibal... since nothing/no-one will be able to convince her to not go down the path of blood, pain, suffering and destruction.. and then you will probably have Rhaena force Ulfs hand in killing her by having her kill or let cannibal eat/kill any of Ulfs friends/family.. Thats the kind of vibe im getting from the chapters.. Actions have Consequences, Both good.. and bad.. Good Chapter as always [img=recommend]

    Ch 58 Chapter 57- Of Dragons and Dreams
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Hmmm... Something tells me by the way the author writes certain parts and dialogoues, that it will be quite awhile before Ulf loses his V card, or finds someone else to love and care for.. Author is the human with the laser pointer, and we the Cat who tries its best to catch the light, only to just barely miss it.. When we think that aha! Ulf is gonna get some, or Finally get over She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the author janks the carpet under us and say: Sorry, but not yet *Proceeds to smirk and cackle at the frustration of the Readers* Oh yeah, Great chapter as always btw, and Love what yer doing and writing 😁

    Ch 53 Chapter 52 - Unspoken Desires and Sacrifices
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Daemon: Ill tell you the truth next time... *Flashback to GoT Season 1* Dont! You! Dare! Author!! I will send Truck-Kun after you! God and the Devil owes me 1 after i won against them in poker, So no funny business!

    Ch 49 Chapter 49 - Tides Of Change
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    I gotta say.. i loved this chapter.. But i got a question, Is Brotherhood really that easy to destroy with Ambition? Id rather go through danger, blood and tears with my best friend then destroy our Brotherhood Bond with something silly as ambition.. Ambition is a good thing, but at the cost of breaking a great bond that is stronger then any blood? Never! Our Bonds are what give us strength and keep us tied to the ground so we do not get burned by floating to close to the sun

    Ch 48 Chapter 48 - Entangled in Ambition.
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Whatever you do.. Don't do a Ned Stark! Daemon: I have something to tell you the next time we see eachother.. Then Dies.

    Ch 41 Chapter 41 - The Burdens We Bear In Silence
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Great chapter as always Author, I was hoping that they could be together, but that was just the Naive part of me, but i hope things go better for Her. And Ulf, they both deserve it... Thanks for the chapter 🫡

    Ch 40 Chapter 40 - Heartbreak
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • War_God_Ashura

    Am i the only one who said that outloud with Yoda's voice? 🤣😅🤣

    "Huh, a smart cookie you are." Cain said narrowing his eyes with a cold flame lighting up in their depths, "To pay you back I also have. A revenge for the many times you killed me this will be."
    DC - Pocket Hunting Dimension
    TV · Krishna_Is_Here
  • War_God_Ashura
    Replied to Big_Horny_Energy

    Search up: Everyone Else is a Returnee. It's amazing and really funny, and the Mc is paranoid as all hell... Worse then Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody.. But only for good reason *Cough Cough*

    Riser rolled his eyes. "It's okay that being a paranoid person can make you live longer than other people."
    My Inner Voice Heard By Heroines
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • War_God_Ashura

    Guys and gals, dont give in too the hope.. Remember.... CONSTANT VIGILANCE! For all we know, it could be he finally finds out what Tonksie and Nyxie had planned, DONT FALL INTO TEMPTATION!

    Ch 145 Chapter 142: Chris v/s Dora
    HP: I Have "Pure" Magic
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • War_God_Ashura

    Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff? or is that too much?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    What if? Severus Snape.
    Anime & Comics · Supes
  • War_God_Ashura

    Hehehehe... Like i said earlier, he will joink the Vibranium from Fury, and he will be robbed.. Author, i approve of this, a Superb chapter, Now please do carry on bringing such joyfull chapters that my eyes may feast upon <3 [img=recommend]

    Ch 27 Keep Your Word!
    Marvel: Start at The New York War with Whitebeard's Ability
    Movies · RedIllusion
  • War_God_Ashura

    Ooh boy... You should not have said that, now he is gonna want to use Maximum effort to destroy it and Joink the Vibranium, poor Fury... he is gonna get robbed xD

    Nick said with a confident smile: "If you can destroy it, not only you wouldn't need to pay for it, but I will give the machine to you as a gift."
    Marvel: Start at The New York War with Whitebeard's Ability
    Movies · RedIllusion