of reading
Read books
useless drama
useless drama.
fake drama
5 chapters to get to here.. so maybe only 5 more till he finally gets the fruit we know he is going to get since we can read the name of the story.
''Not seeing them is the same as them not existing'' is not a Schrodinger's cat scenario at all. It is much closer to ''if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound.'' Schrodinger's cat is about how observing something determines it's state. Before you look in the box, the cat is in both states, alive and dead, but once you open the box and observe the cat, it has just one state, either alive or dead.
Saying this after spending this chapter so far judging the government, then the mutant leaders, then this fat dude, just seems insincere.
Everyone reading this and not just skipping over most of it like a sane person feels a crisis just as big... It is Pure Torture reading this shit so far.
Hard to read through all this. It just won't stop. Every time the story moves forward just a little bit, he has to spend 5 minutes describing how he feels about it over and over and over again... We don't care
You right properly... how many grammars you have? 4 grammars? 3 grammars? Laughed so hard at this fool trying to join ''the cool kids club'' but failing miserably.
Why should i care about any of this... very bad start to a fanfic