

2018-10-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • Bsoc
    Bsoc8 months ago
    Replied to Neo_Godfrey

    personally on book 13 with Kindle. this one is the actual author, just confused about going in reverse. most start here and work toward kindle.

  • Bsoc
    Bsoc9 months ago

    Val Kilmer in "The Saint". "What else are you hiding in there?"

  • Bsoc
    Bsoca year ago
    Replied to IamLaboon

    Time passed matters not. Loads going down!(pun intended) He has pointed out how each change MC makes influenced a massive divergence from Canon. Three years of antagonists all at once?

  • Bsoc
    Bsoca year ago

    I had a thought with your mention of rituals becoming outdated in the HP world. What if the madness of the House of Black was a result of a ritual? Say house black had a purification ritual(PR) that worked perfectly with parcel tongue, but with a falling out between those houses, it works though less well? Using the PR one could take part in multiple awakening rituals, without the gift of Salizar it works, once . Resulting in ever increasing issues. MC would have access to full PR. Just a thought, you lay the groundwork for it. If you like it or this gives you a different thought, run with it. It is yours now. Keep up the good work, looking forward to each chapter!

  • Bsoc
    Bsoc5 years ago
    Replied to Tinalynge

    Will you be adding more of the series here? I purchased the novel on Kindle, but my library has grown to the point finding older novels is a bit difficult. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. You world building and character building were amazing, more so for this being your first. When I saw it here I was actually checking to make sure someone hadn't put it here under false pretense. Keep it up!