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That's where I am, The girl is 8. Gonna stop there tho, I can't read more if it continues .
It really hurts my brain to try and read this. It was bad from the 1st page. You really can't trust reviews anymore .
Yeah. I was just thinking, I wish someone could tag or flag these novels so I won't read it. It doesn't add to the story or improve it.
Yes! I've read almost 2000 chapters now & I'm ready to give my long ass review too. I think she did nothing wrong except she didn't divorce him & move on.
Ugh, now we have ruin the story
Whew! I was gonna stop reading if I didn't see that spoiler.
I enjoyed it. Updates are terrible here but I was able read it mtl and it was good. The whole doctor thing didn't last long and I thought she was too soft in the beginning of the book. Everything on Earth seemed pointless to me but it played its part. No silly misunderstanding in it and they are able to get thru each disaster that pops up, the last one was anticlimactic tho. Some relationships with ppl they met wasn't very significant too.
They messed with the ingredients in some of her products and it cause a lot of deaths in babies, so they framed her for that crime.