



2018-09-20 JoinedUnited States



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  • Iskandor

    Didn't expect that... Though considering the barbarians (or at least Nina, but that is now confirmed to be barbarians as a whole) have been confirmed to have the bloodline if the tarrasque it isn't too abnormal. I just expected the tarrasque for whatever reason was shrunk down (possibly an affect of Cain resetting the world) and I was guessing that it would slowly grow to its original size

    "That monster," Zephyr glared at Nina, "It's Shi."
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Ambinoggos

    Personally, I still enjoy it. It may be overused, but that doesn't mean that some don't take appreciation in it.

    What was I saying again?
    What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
    Fantasy · Draekai
  • Iskandor
    Replied to TheEpic_Gamer

    Iskander is another variant on Iskandar, I haven't seen the fate series but I'm guessing he's at least somewhat based on Alexander the Great considering the connection

    "Meet Tuuli, a [Great wind eagle]. They can travel at a very fast speed across long distances. This one is especially here from the capital."
    Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer
    Fantasy · H2Oz_Anxious
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Omnipelican

    RIP Corvatz of the Aincrad Liberation Front, you will (maybe) be missed

    I called out the rest of my summons and we immediately started whaling away at the wyvern's unprotected belly, giving up on technique to simply smash at it with all we've got.
    What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
    Fantasy · Draekai
  • Iskandor
    Replied to WPOmega

    well, as soon as I read the chapters introducing the tarasque and her joining of Cain's harem, I had a feeling somehow Nina and/or the barbarians would be related...

    ^{The one belonging to a mindless monster from ancient earth, she's from Aunt Tarra's bloodline. A tarrasque's bloodline sorceress.}^
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor

    Author here, I have big plans for this book (and others that I've been working on from the shadows). Unfortunately, life is well, a b!tch... I don't foresee myself ever truly dropping this, afterall I do have a multiversal story planned out that without getting into spoilers involve Iskandor in many circumstances. I plan on writing his origin story from the bits mentioned in this book here. Any and all books I write will be in some way connected, for now everyhing I have planned is relatively clear in how it connects once a certain one of my books is finished or some clues are placed in this one. Happy reading yall!

    A Mix of Magic and Science
    Fantasy · Iskandor
  • Iskandor

    As a Co-Writer to this story, I really was tempted to give it full marks, but I'm not that shameless (yet). I legitimately think it's a good story with the few chapters uploaded. I hope my friend beeef (or whatever his username may be in the future) keeps updating in the future. I'm not holding my breath as I'm just as bad if not worse... Happy reading, yall!

    A Mix of Fists and Glory
    Fantasy · beeef
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Zenobia

    I understand the need for self promotion... but not really a good choice of novels to choose... This book hasn't had activity for a couple years and likely won't for a while, so there won't be much if any traffic on it... Target something bigger if you are gonna do self promotion...

    Reincarnation Into FairyTail, With a System?
    Fantasy · Iskandor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Iskandor

    looks like I forgot I replied... Whatever

    A Mix of Magic and Science
    Fantasy · Iskandor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Yggdrasil_

    I don't really do social media, expect very sporadic updates. I'm more of a reader than a writer. I'm glad I have people who enjoy my work though. Without giving spoilers I have plans for an entire multiverse across novels, I believe I currently have about 20 chapters on other books saved up (this one will be my focus, I want to at least finish the first arc of the other books finished before I publish anything)

    A Mix of Magic and Science
    Fantasy · Iskandor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to SeraphWedd

    Far from it, I consider myself to be a jack of all trades, and if I were to design my ideal weapon it would be a transforming weapon. I love the idea of being versatile enough to adapt to a situation and use it to your advantage (especially if through seemingly stupid means Jack Sparrow style)

    Ch 43 Traces of History
    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Iskandor

    In a homebrew D&D game I run, I have someone playing as a metal slime (And this was his attempt at a serious character... Without getting into specifics the math checked out for volume, weight, etc...) I hope he doesn't end up reading this as that could really screw me over...Great story so far though!

    Ch 18 Fighting a Dragon (1)
    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Iskandor
    Replied to FakeVariant

    the training room costs credits, going into the forest on the otherhand is free...

    For today, I will train Ember to learn as many of the above skills as possible. As soon as the sun rose, we headed straight outside the town and towards a wide clearing. There, we could practice skills as much as we desired.
    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Iskandor

    By the nine!

    A/n: I have been offline for the past few days because of a situation. I've posted an update about it on Patreon and Discord so to sum it up, my wife and I are expecting a child. I'm no longer just Don, I'm Don Padre. 😂😂😂
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Iskandor

    Wyrm hole? thought of that just as I finished the comment

    Ch 286 Heavy Weight
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor

    The effect of those two skills is not unlike a black hole on a smaller localized scale... Perhaps that could help with the naming, probably shouldn't outright be called a black hole as I'm sure Arad will be able to pull one out later...

    Ch 286 Heavy Weight
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to WPOmega

    I would suspect Ginger, Alcott strikes me as a little dense when it comes to this sort of thing. It wouldn't suprise me if Ginger noticed very early on and is just waiting for Alcott to notice.

    "Are you saying Alcott had a son all this time and we didn't know? His mother can't be Ginger, could it?" Isdis looked at the crystal, "She's a vampire, isn't she?"
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor
    Replied to Iskandor

    Obviously not Lilia prime that is, as Lilia would erase the spell without much a thought, but maybe a Lilia who reset herself in a sense...

    Ch 251 The Bone Zone
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor

    I had a weird thought that's so out of left field that it goes back to making sense... What if in someway Merlin is Lilia, and is looking after Cain indirectly... I kinda doubt it but at the same time I could see it...

    Ch 251 The Bone Zone
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor
  • Iskandor

    I have that meme on a pillow

    "Hey, you." Cain looked down at Alcott, "You're finally awake,"
    The dragon's harem
    Fantasy · Alen_Tanor